Canadian Comedy Troupe Strikes A Blow For Diversity, By Canceling Themselves – IOTW Report

Canadian Comedy Troupe Strikes A Blow For Diversity, By Canceling Themselves

hollywood in toto

A veteran comedy troupe tried the virtue signaling route following the rise of Black Lives Matter.

When that failed to solve racism in the Great White North, The Sketchersons took extreme measures. The long-running Canadian group canceled itself before the woke mob could do it for them.

The Toronto-based group shared the grim news on social media late last month. The post revealed why its initial embrace of BLM proved insufficient, and how it forced them to crunch the numbers on its diverse lineup.

Or lack of a diverse lineup, as they saw it. More

Now that’s funny. Note the embedded video in the article is stupid, but the comments on YouTube are good for a laugh. – Dr. Tar

8 Comments on Canadian Comedy Troupe Strikes A Blow For Diversity, By Canceling Themselves

  1. So they committed Kari-hari? “That’s a joke, son.”
    Humor has a required place in a healthy society.
    It aids in dealing with the awful pains in life and is very helpful in putting terrible people in their deserved place by deflating their self-important foolishness.
    The left loves to dish out pain to others but cannot take it nor can they laugh at themselves. Added to that is their megalomania cannot stand up to peoples laughter at their perverse self-obsession and obvious character flaws.
    The left HATES THAT, so humor must be banished from their nasty little world.

  2. @Alexb

    T.O. is not left of Portland. My nephew & niece live there.

    The CBC (Canada’s Brainwashing Corp.) and CP24 (City Panic 24hrs.) lead us to believe we are who they wish us to be.
    We are not!

    Yesterday I was yapping with a 29 year old Ethiopian decent electrician. His parents who were first gen immigrant to T.O. raised him EXACTLY the same way as my parents raised me. Work Hard, stay out of Trouble and a solid shit kicking if you bring home crime or embarrass the family name.

    Liberal leftie fucks have no idea what it takes to make something of yourself. Most have no direction and take up causes that they know nothing about because they never stuggled for anything.

    Domestic white boys and girls from the farm are also Solid hard Working people that actually have more in common with hard working legal immigrants than city fucktards that take liberal arts.

    Go Jays! Leafs Suck.


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