Canadian Conservatives Win Historic Election in Alberta – IOTW Report

Canadian Conservatives Win Historic Election in Alberta

Moraine Lake- Alberta Canada (Pixabay)



A conservative candidate unseated the New Democratic Party premier of Alberta Tuesday, the first time a challenger has done so to a first-term Albertan premier.

Jason Kenney and his United Conservative Party roundly bested Rachel Notley, who had been premier since 2015.

Kenney supported pipeline development, economic deregulation, and opposition to foreign interference. After arriving at a victory party in his truck, Kenney promised a major change to Alberta’s public practice and image. “Tonight I send a message to businesses everywhere: if you want to benefit from what will be the lowest taxes in Canada, a government that will cut its red tape burden by at least one third, with Canada’s best educated population and a deep culture of enterprise and innovation, come to Alberta,” he said.

Kenney campaigned on a conservative platform, seeking the premiership to oppose Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. According to the National Post:

Kenney has promised that his UCP government will start with a bang, launching a frantic first 100 days of legislation to undo the work of the previous NDP government. Beyond repealing the provincial carbon tax, their first move will be to make law a bill passed last year that would “turn off the taps” on oil and gas shipments to British Columbia, a move Kenney hopes will give him leverage if the west coast province tries to further interfere with the expansion of the Trans Mountain Pipeline.

After that, Kenney will begin knocking down the many dominos contained in his massive campaign platform, with a focus on boosting investment in the province. Cutting the corporate tax rate, lowering the youth minimum wage and big push on deregulation are all on the docket in Kenney’s first session.

Kenney charged that external political organizations had for too long worked against Canadian interest. “We Albertans are patient and we’re fair-minded,” he said, “but we’ve had enough of your defamation and double-standards.” more here

10 Comments on Canadian Conservatives Win Historic Election in Alberta

  1. I live here, and let me tell you, this was a major slap down to the troubling leftist direction of this country. The left, as they do everywhere, tried every lying and deceitful method to defeat the conservatives. They accepted foreign interference and money. They worked with the leftist media. They desecrated their own signs by scribbling swastikas and hateful anti-immigrant slogans. You know the routine. What happened here in Alberta was a miracle similar to Trump winning the presidency in the states. The conservatives in Canada own a block all the way from the Alberta British Columbia border to the Ontario Quebec border. This represents a huge problem for Justin Trudeau. Conservatism is rising in Canada! 🙂

  2. I don’t understand Canadian government, but over the years I’ve come to think it doesn’t make much difference who is elected, they all take dictates from the same sources and do what they are told without real regard to the people who elect them.

  3. I am a Canadian conservative as well and live in the province, Saskatchewan to the east of Alberta. There is a growing movement in Alberta/Saskatchewan (maybe even in Manitoba) to secede from Canada. I am very happy that Jason Kenney was elected with a Huge majority. We shall see if he does what he promises.

  4. @Big Momma; I have relatives in all the provinces that you mention and most are conservatives, a few liberal and one NDP. I can tell you that apart from a few disgruntled citizns there is no real active, organized movement for secession coming from the west. The groups that claim to want it are shown to be small and unable to grow. Most Western Canadians want to stay within a united, conservative Canada run by someone such as former PM Stephen Harper. I’d say that it’s the Trudeau family that brings out these mutterings of separation. Maybe when the Federal Conservatives do to the Federal Liberals/NDP what their provincial cousins just did to the provincial NDP the new parliament can pass an order to stop any Trudeau from running for any office permanently.

  5. Very glad to hear that. I will check the CBC news…which will probably not approve of Alberta’s move to the right. I was born in Canada but have lived in the US for many decades. Still have a soft spot for the place, but I intensely dislike Trudeau.

    Any country on earth that turns right is good for all of us.

  6. Ah, I love Alberta, specifically Calgary area. Drove through it on the way to New York once, and stopped to chat to someone in a town not far out of the city. I remember it was completely spontaneous, and the homeowner and I just chatted it up for about 30 minutes. What a pity I forget the name of the town, the person was very friendly.

    I’d love to have Alberta for us, but that would probably be a very negative process, so I’ll continue to admire from afar.

    I have a soft spot for Canadians after having stayed at the home of an older couple following 9/11. So apart from them being our neighbors, I also wish them the best because they really are wonderful people.

  7. @Big Momma April 19, 2019 at 10:27 am

    > There is a growing movement in Alberta/Saskatchewan (maybe even in Manitoba) to secede from Canada.

    This. I know Americans begin “discussions” with their rulers by “Swearing their allegiance. And agreeing before we sit down, that we will acquiesce to whatever you choose. Because we’re patriots. Now what do you offer in return?”. And are shocked at the privilege of handing over their wallets and getting out.

    I always thought Canadians did it because they were too polite. Rather than stupid.

  8. @Anonymous April 19, 2019 at 1:32 pm

    > 51st, 52nd and 53rd states

    I admit that the Canadian government (like the British, Australian, and New Zealand governments) are proud enemies of the american people. But even I have limits on retribution.

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