Canadian mom investigated for letting kids play alone in backyard – IOTW Report

Canadian mom investigated for letting kids play alone in backyard

WT: A Canadian mother is upset after said she was investigated by child protection services for letting her children play alone in their fenced-in backyard.

Jacqui Kendrick, a stay-at-home mom in Winnipeg, said a worker with Child and Family Services showed up at her home earlier this month after receiving a complaint about unsupervised children in her yard, The Canadian Press reported.

Ms. Kendrick, whose children are ages 2, 5 and 10, said she often lets her children play in the yard after school while she keeps an eye on them from inside the house.

“We’ve taught both the [older] kids so far that you look after each other. That’s kind of the point.


17 Comments on Canadian mom investigated for letting kids play alone in backyard

  1. Child services have become tools of government commie bastards. Way too much perceived power they take. Often aided by nasty neighbors. So historic; government rubs its hands every time it can get neighbors or family to turn against each other.

    Remember the TWILIGHT ZONE story, with Claude Akins, where aliens used neighbors against each other as a means of easy invasion?

    It is wonderful to watch or read 1950’s science fiction, because the understory was so often a warning of how the commies or other dictatorships take over. Classic: THE INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS.

    Look around, it’s here.

  2. My parents and most of the other parents in my neighborhood would be in big trouble now for allowing us to play outside unsupervised. We always knew it was time to come in when my dad would come out on the porch just before dark and whistle real loudly for us to head home. And he could whistle real loudly,I can’t whistle worth a damn. Even when we snuck out in the middle of the night to go over the bluff to catch frogs on Hangman (Latah) Creek by ourselves we never had any trouble. Back then the cops would’ve just brought us all home and told our parents and that would be the extent of it except for being grounded for a while till we could sneak out again.

  3. My kids, now 9 and 12, go outside and around the block all by themselves. Once I was yelled at by the neighbor down the street in front of my own house for not supervising my kids when I was doing nothing but supervising my kids. We live on a mostly-quiet street, a short street, it’s impossible to go fast, we were out playing in the street. “You really need to watch your kids better, I could have run them over!” he belched at me. I respond, “Do you need a Thank You from me for being a driver, following the law, and NOT running my kids over? Ya goof!” He hasn’t said a word to me since.

  4. The profs may have a point. Since they like to release child molesters from jail, let every known type of pervert roam free, eliminated the death penalty, disarmed the law-abiding populace, and even re-introduced friggin wolves, the outside world isn’t safe for anyone, especially children.

  5. Child Protective Services on both sides of the border run the gamut from intensive facist-like intrusion into a home based on anonymous complaints to being a do nothing, know nothing agency that is responsible for the deaths of children through their inaction. It’s a tough job but maybe it’s about time to start recruiting field staff with common sense that could with a 5 minute conversation realize there is nothing wrong. The problem is that I’d bet the rules of a investigative visit dictates all the intrusion that this agent performed in this case which means there has to be a top down review of the standards and practices of the department. The problem for the Service is heaven help them if they miss one, the papers and the general population ans well as the ever present lawyers will crucify them.

  6. One would hope that common sense would always apply but, unfortunately, it becomes very difficult for bureaucrats to routinely exercise it. Here in Vermont we have seen situations go both ways where kids have not been removed soon enough or returned to abusive parents with deadly results. Last fall a DCS case worker was shot down and murdered in the street in front of her office and many others have received death threats. By and large I believe that most really do have the best interest of the children in mind. I would not want their job especially in this litigious society. What did Shakespeare say about the lawyers…

  7. I morn these kids today as a remember a world full of adventure as we roamed our neighborhood completely unsupervised and learned the lessons of life. I had two “girls” beat me up and pull my hair out one day and chase me to my house. When my mom came home she turned into a lion, grabbed some hair from a brush and we went to the offenders home.

    Well, let’s just say those girls never came near me again.

    Mom, thanks for teaching me to not cower to bullies and defending me like a true protector and please rest in peace.

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