Canadian Photographer Documents Bleak Eastern Bloc Storefronts – And the Idiot Says They Are “Refreshing” – IOTW Report

Canadian Photographer Documents Bleak Eastern Bloc Storefronts – And the Idiot Says They Are “Refreshing”


What a tool bag.

Daily Mail-

David Hlynsky

‘I went back again in 1989 and then to Moscow in 1990 specifically to photograph store windows.

‘What struck me was a lack of color and a lack of seduction in the shop displays in comparison to the ones I was used to seeing at home.

‘Although at first glance these shop fronts represented austerity and

‘The force of modern western advertising insists we’re never satisfied with what we have and we should strive to own more stuff.

‘As I thought about the difference between East and West I came to this cynical understanding that the most important freedom westerners were interested in was the freedom to shop. Free enterprise was what we were really fighting over.

‘These pictures were taken almost 30 years ago and in an age where we are encouraged to buy everything we possibly can they will be a real eye-opener to some people. They are images of a society devoid of advertising.

They’re quaint, innocent and naive – and in a funny way that’s kind of refreshing.’


This is exactly what the morons in People’s World magazine (the rag we spotlighted yesterday) are longing for – extremely limited consumerism, limited manufacturing, limited people with limited wants and limited joy.



13 Comments on Canadian Photographer Documents Bleak Eastern Bloc Storefronts – And the Idiot Says They Are “Refreshing”

  1. “Look! I have dress!”

    “I have three! Count them! Three toys in my shop!”

    “I have three bread! I am fat cat!”

    “That nothing! I have latest in douche kit!! I smell clean!”

  2. What a jackass. If it is appealing to him, why doesn’t he go live in some commie hellhole…permanently. And no fair ordering all the accoutrement of “freedom to shop” from Amazon. I was in Leningrad in the ’80s and saw nothing “refreshing” about EMPTY grocery store shelves and meat display cases. I saw nothing quaint about a kiosk opening on the street and people flocking to it to line up and wait for a chance to buy a sad-looking cabbage head. They lined up before they even knew what was going to be sold. They didn’t care because it was SOMETHING! I found it sad, gray and dreary. And VERY enlightening. I took photos, too. To remind myself how damn good we have it!!

  3. Well, the dumbass went on days when there was nothing inside, otherwise there would’ve been an round-the-block line of people waiting to buy whatever it was. It didn’t matter, because if you bought women’s shoes but had no need for them, you could always barter them.

    Liberalism is a mental disorder.

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