Canadians want immigrants screened for “anti-Canadian values,” are scolded by establishment media – IOTW Report

Canadians want immigrants screened for “anti-Canadian values,” are scolded by establishment media

Jihad Watch:

Monday’s headlines proclaimed “disappointment” and “concern” over a new CROP poll of Canadians’ attitudes toward immigration.

Despite the extraordinarily painstaking efforts by leftist leaders, the media and Muslim Brotherhood-linked groups such as the National Council of Canadian Muslims (former CAIR-CAN), all serving as thought police, Canadians are not quite that naive. Given the voluminous liberal outrage against the former Conservative party’s “Zero Tolerance Against Barbaric Cultural Practices Act” and the federal, provincial and municipal anti-Islamophobia agenda that is being forced upon Canadians, still Canadians support the screening of immigrants for “anti-Canadian values.” Yes, values screening. It is not racist, xenophobic, “Islamophobic” or any other kind of phobic to want to protect Canadian freedoms from sharia incursions, and, indeed, from barbaric practices from any culture. They have no place in Canada.

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10 Comments on Canadians want immigrants screened for “anti-Canadian values,” are scolded by establishment media

  1. Left leaning women, politicians, and “celebrities” really need to have their genitalia mutilated as a sign of true solidarity to all of the Muslims that they want to Merkel in.

  2. The Hosers to the North win the “Stupid Country of the Week” for the 5th time this year, just edging out the Germans and Swedes. It looks now to be a three-country race for the rest of the year, EH!

  3. That’s actually a bit of good news in that the media, Liberal Party, Justin Trudeau, the NDP et al have been unable destroy all the common sense of Canadians. The Conservative Party needs to focus on this for the five byelections taking place in April. Probably won’t win them all but the vote percent for each party may tell whether the Liberals are self destructing.

  4. If only, scr_north. The three ridings outside Alberta are populated by hard core liberal middle class lemmings. And since something in the water has caused the Albertans to lose their collective minds, the two conservative seats could even go to the Dippers. Best possible result? No change.

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