Cancel Culture Boomerangs Back On Moron Journalist Who Dug Up Old Tweets About a Hero – IOTW Report

Cancel Culture Boomerangs Back On Moron Journalist Who Dug Up Old Tweets About a Hero

A fan was seen on TV holding up a sign about not having enough beer money for Busch Lite. People around the country started sending him money.

He didn’t keep it for himself. He set up a foundation so the money (which amounted to more than a million dollars) could go to charity.

A writer doing a profile on him decided to go back almost a decade and find “2 racist tweets” he made when he was 16.

Busch severed ties and all the good will became tainted.

Well, that’s not the end of the story.

The writer, and his cats, were subjected to the same treatment, and people found racist tweets of his own.

His paper, however, has yet to do anything about it.

Entire sordid story, with karmic ending HERE.

18 Comments on Cancel Culture Boomerangs Back On Moron Journalist Who Dug Up Old Tweets About a Hero

  1. …can’t put it any better than this…

    “3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

    4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

    5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.”
    Matthew 7:3-5

    …the Lord knows them, he knows them very, very well, and they’re going to wish he DIDN’T before TOO much time has passed…

  2. To the Woke Scold Progressives, no good deed can go unpunished. Unless you are Jesus (and they don’t believe in him), anything you ever did, said, or thought will be used against you in the court of leftist public opinion.

    Good on ya, Carson. Well done. Thousands of children will have you to thank.

  3. Also, to the Busch Beer people, do you endorse every action and opinion of everyone who markets, sells, distributes, and drinks your beer? If not, tell the Des Moines Register to go f-themselves and put Carson King’s picture back on your cans.

  4. This really shouldn’t stop with Aaron Calvin. Every Des Moines Register reporter and editor should have their social media scoured for “offensive” material. Live by the sewer . . .

    Also, I hope Carson keeps his Venmo open and that people send him enough money for his year of free beer (though I hope he switches from Busch).


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