‘Cancel Culture’ Candidates Don’t Make the Cut in Democratic Primary – IOTW Report

‘Cancel Culture’ Candidates Don’t Make the Cut in Democratic Primary


Debra J. Saunders

WASHINGTON — Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro announced Thursday that he was bowing out of the 2020 Democratic primary. The only reason to notice or care is that Castro was one of the more shrill candidates, so it’s good that he never found purchase in the crowded field and hence had to “suspend” his campaign.

Like Kamala Harris, the California Democratic senator who dropped out in December, Castro has been part of the left’s “cancel culture” that seeks to silence those with differing views rather than to debate in the marketplace of ideas.

Harris tried to stand out in the primary by telling Twitter to cancel President Donald Trump’s account “as a matter of safety.” She must have known the stunt would fail, but clearly figured that advocating to censor a Republican president was a shrewd career move.

Amen to that not working.

Over the summer, Rep. Joaquin Castro, who is the former HUD secretary’s twin brother and closest ally, tweeted the names and occupations of 44 constituents in his San Antonio district who had contributed the maximum amount — $2,800 per election — to the Trump campaign.

Their contributions, the House Democrat explained, “are fueling a campaign of hate,” and he argued that the anti-immigrant manifesto written by the El Paso shooter who left 22 innocents dead “could have been written by the people that write Trump’s speeches.” The former HUD secretary explicitly supported his brother naming names. read more

SNIP: Remember this?:

At his FOX town hall, Julian Castro tells woman who was victimized by illegal, “crime happens”.

5 Comments on ‘Cancel Culture’ Candidates Don’t Make the Cut in Democratic Primary

  1. The worst thing that can happen to a politician is engaging in a campaign and having no one pay any attention to him.

    It usually signifies the end of his career on more than one level.


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