Cancel Culture: SJWs at Spotify Demand Censorship of Network’s Newest Star Joe Rogan – IOTW Report

Cancel Culture: SJWs at Spotify Demand Censorship of Network’s Newest Star Joe Rogan

Rogan’s politics are significantly left of center, but that doesn’t even matter. 

LOL! How did Rogan not see that coming? Has he learned anything?
This story’s been out for a week now and I ignored it til now. I’ve been waiting to see movement from Spotify or Rogan.

5 Comments on Cancel Culture: SJWs at Spotify Demand Censorship of Network’s Newest Star Joe Rogan

  1. Rogan seems sane most of the time but he harbors some socialistic ideas. He may be waking up to some of the insanity since he’s had to leave the shambles of California and now his new contract in flames.
    There is no reasoning with these sick people Joe!


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