Candace Owens Hints At Shocking Experience In Hospital During Birth Of Second Child – IOTW Report

Candace Owens Hints At Shocking Experience In Hospital During Birth Of Second Child

Threatened With CPS And Misdemeanor Charges.

Blue State Conservative:

The Daily Wire’s relentless firebrand, Candace Owens, made a major announcement during the tail end of her maternity leave from the company. Starting Monday, September 12th, Owens will transition from her weekly live show to a daily podcast setting, joining the ranks of Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, and Michael Knowles in their audio quest to dismantle leftist lies.

In setting up the release of the new program, Owens provided tantalizing hints about the subject matter. For her first episode, she promises to reveal a shocking experience related to medical coercion.

The Daily Wire writes:

Candace Owens announced that she will begin producing a daily podcast starting Monday with DailyWire+. The show will focus on deep dives, investigations, and exposes, and Owens gave future listeners a hint of what to expect in the show’s shocking first episode, where she will discuss what she saw as medical coercion at the hands of a hospital.

“I’ve obviously been aggressive about addressing lies and corruption in news and politics for a long time,” said Owens. “But being a mom has taken my urgency to address and expose what’s happening in our world to a whole new level.”

Owens explained that her first episode will focus on the experience she had with the hospital after the recent birth of her second child. “The hospital threatened to send child services to my house and charge me with a misdemeanor,” she said. more here

4 Comments on Candace Owens Hints At Shocking Experience In Hospital During Birth Of Second Child

  1. Most doctors are disgusting, reprehensible human beings. In all but a handful of states, gynecological exams are performed in teaching hospitals on unconsenting women while they are under anesthesia. Yes, while women are getting, say, their gallbladder removed, a group of medical students will glove up and go wrist deep in them while they are unconscious. One after another, they will take it turns to violate an unconscious woman. Without her consent. And feel no guilt or remorse. Brock Turner ain’t got nothing on these deviants. Oh, but male patients aren’t exempt. They also do prostate exams on unconscious men.

    Think about this next time you go to see your doctor. Chances are he or she has performed invasive exams on the sexual organs of unconscious patients without their consent or knowledge.

  2. If you want a dose of Daily Democrat Disgust, link to this Candace story but also read the article below that, about “John Fetterwoman.” My God, these people are absolute lunatics.

  3. @Clown World: Be careful, one of my dearest friends runs a simulation lab for a local medical school. They have a wide variety of medical mannequins that are very realistic. They can simulate normal conditions as well as whatever pathology that is desired.


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