Candace Owens Says She’ll Stake Her ‘Entire Reputation’ On Belief French First Lady Brigitte Macron is a Man – IOTW Report

Candace Owens Says She’ll Stake Her ‘Entire Reputation’ On Belief French First Lady Brigitte Macron is a Man


Candace Owens has wagered her career on the wild theory that French President Emmanuel Macron‘s wife was born a man.

The controversial conservative commentator took to X to tout the false story, hours after outlining it on an episode of her podcast.

It claims that French First Lady Brigitte Macron, 70, was actually born Jean-Michel Trogneux, before eventually transitioning at age 30.

It further states that she did not give birth to any of her three children, and that her first husband, a 69-year-old retired banker said to have died a recluse in 2020, never existed.

The conspiracy stems from an completely false claim made by far-right magazine Faits et Documents (Facts & Documents), after Macron, 46, was elected. 

But the debate was reignited last month after Emmanuel Macron’s step-daughter, Tiphaine Auzière, gave an interview to Paris Match in which she addressed claims that her mother Brigitte was born male.

Auzière was just 10 when she found out that her teacher mom was involved with a student who was 25 years her junior. 

‘I have concerns about the level of society when I hear what is circulating on social networks about my mother being a man,’ she said. 

Still, Owens on Tuesday revived the speculation, before laying into those who disagree.


34 Comments on Candace Owens Says She’ll Stake Her ‘Entire Reputation’ On Belief French First Lady Brigitte Macron is a Man

  1. Alex Jones had some choice words,”Hey Candace, stay out of my lane.”

    Biggest political scandal in history? I can think of three bigger scandals in our own history that happened within the last few years.

    How about she turn her gum-shoe investigative skills towards the gender ambiguity of Big Mike, that net would catch much more fish.

  2. Why is the story presenting the story as ‘obviously false’ and ‘untrue’ etc? They don’t know wheyher it is true or isn’t. Pretty poor ‘journalism’, that.

    Macron possesses the demeanor and appearance as well as many characteristics of a queer, his choice of spouse is factually queer, so why is it a stretch to suppose the old gal started out a male?

    Owens must feel a painful fading of the public spotlight to be publicizing this bit of perversion from the elite of the eurotrash. They, like our elite trash are beneath nothing, morally, personally or otherwise.

  3. Somebody needs to tell Candace that we’ve got enough shit going on in our country to be concerned about this.

    I used to have a ton of respect for her but this (which I’ve first read of here), coupled with some other of her questionable opinions and antics has me in a state of ignoring whatever she has to say.

    She’s become irrelevant.

  4. Hmmm. “wild theory, conspiracy, false story, completely false claim…”
    These words have become red flags for me since they are often used to suppress the truth. I have zero interest in the linked story, just sayin’.

  5. I think she is becoming mentally ill. And it’s not that she believes Brigitte is a dude, it’s that she is so passionate about it at this point in time. That displays a bit of derangement.

    And her saying the Jews killed Michael Jackson…

    I think it’s time to write her off. I wonder what Charlie Kirk thinks?

  6. So Brigitte was Birney, hmmm.

    If true, and known to “the Putin”, it gives him more reason to dismiss the kookie and imbecilic menagerie, that are his critics across Uropia.

  7. “I wonder what Charlie Kirk thinks?”

    I wonder what Ben Shapiro thinks.

    Jeremy and Ben take the stewardship of The Daily Wire brand very seriously, both have a short leash when it comes to any fuckery tarnishing that.

  8. It is a known fact the Brigitte Macron is a groomer and a child sex pervert, no matter what sex he/she/it is. I don’t understand why she is not shunned from society the way all pedos should be.

  9. I never liked Candace Owens and still do not. It’s been a long while since seeing her podcast, but when she had a guest she hardly allowed that person to speak. It was a me-me show. She was rude just like the French, so, not interested in either. Feeling left out at all Candace? Quick, find a controversy.

  10. Thanks Dr Tar, I had to look that phrase up and realized that I could use that phrase in many different situations. Unfortunately, Its been three hours and I’ve already forgotten how to pronounce it. Can’t blame the jab because I didn’t get that. Don’t want to blame old age because I won’t admit I’m getting old. Anyway, thanks for the education.

  11. I dunno about this one… I find it hard to believe that a family in the mid 50s would dress their son in girls clothing. And so far as no pictures, a lot of families then didn’t take that many pictures of themselves unless photography was dad’s hobby. About all they had were school class photos.
    As mentioned above, there are more important things to be concerned about, very concerned!

  12. Candace Owen’s seems like a closet globalist and for sure a narcissist. Don’t trust her instincts and always have questioned her being conservative.
    Shes a very good salesman for whatever she’s selling…currently being a patriot.
    She needs to dig deep inside the border crisis, criticizing the Biden clan, J6 and all domestic concerns. Just never trusted her.

  13. I’ve completely lost interest in Candace Owens and she definitely looses this bet.

    Bridgitte is Just a High Profile Groomer, Pedo, Sick Libtard Educator well before it became a Pervert Trend. (Not a Trannie)


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