Candace Owens Stages Her Own AOC Photo Op – IOTW Report

Candace Owens Stages Her Own AOC Photo Op

7 Comments on Candace Owens Stages Her Own AOC Photo Op

  1. Every ghetto is one hundred percent Democrat, why would they care. It’s not like there going to be voted out any time soon. Candace Owens will be vilified for not towing the party line.

  2. There is an answer for Candace Owens, but it may be hard to swallow because it is not a desirable reality to face. It has been written in an essay by a knowledgeable black writer and educator. It is a very long read, so only parts are posted, but the link to the entire essay is given. So often there are actual solutions to problems, but they do not line pockets with cash. Propaganda scams do.

    by Thomas Sowell

    “The quest for esoteric methods of trying to educate these children proceeds as if such children had never been successfully educated before, when in fact there are concrete examples, both from history and from our own times, of schools that have been sucessful in educating children from low-income families and from minority families. Yet the educational dogma of the day is that you simply cannot expect children who are not middle-class to do well on standardized tests, for all sorts of sociological and psychological reasons.
    Those who think this way are undeterred by the fact that there are schools where low-income and minority students do in fact score well on standardized tests. These students are like the bumblebees who supposedly should not be able to fly, according to the theories of aerodynamics, but who fly anyway, in disregard of those theories.
    While there are examples of schools where this happens in our own time– both public and private, secular and religious– we can also go back nearly a hundred years and find the same phenomenon. Back in 1899, in Washington, D. C., there were four academic public high schools– one black and three white.1 In standardized tests given that year, students in the black high school averaged higher test scores than students in two of the three white high schools.2
    This was not a fluke. It so happens that I have followed 85 years of the history of this black high school– from 1870 to 1955 –and found it repeatedly equalling or exceeding national norms on standardized tests.3”

    “As we all know, 1954 was the year of the famous racial desegregation case of Brown v. Board of Education. Those of us old enough to remember those days also know of the strong resistance to school desegregation in many white communities, including Washington, D. C. Ultimately a political compromise was worked out. In order to comply with the law, without having a massive shift of students, the District’s school officials decided to turn all public schools in Washington into neighborhood schools.
    By this time, the neighborhood around Dunbar High School was rundown. This had not affected the school’s academic standards, however, because black students from all over the city went to Dunbar, though very few of those who lived in its immediate vicinity did.
    When Dunbar became a neighborhood school, the whole character of its student body changed radically– and the character of its teaching staff changed very soon afterward. In the past, many Dunbar teachers had continued to teach for years after they were eligible for retirement because it was such a fulfilling experience. Now, as inadequately educated, inadequately motivated, and disruptive students flooded into the school, teachers began retiring, some as early as 55 years of age. Inside of a very few years, Dunbar became just another failing ghetto school, with all the problems that such schools have, all across the country. Eighty-five years of achievement simply vanished into thin air.”

    “What are the “secrets” of such successful schools?
    The biggest secret is that there are no secrets, unless work is a secret. Work seems to be the only four-letter word that cannot be used in public today.
    Aside from work and discipline, the various successful schools for minority children have had little in common with one another– and even less in common with the fashionable educational theories of our times.”

    ” For those who are interested in schools that produce academic success for minority students, there is no lack of examples., past and present. Tragically, there is a lack of interest by the public school establishment in such examples. Again, I think this goes back to the politics of education.
    Put bluntly, failure attracts more money than success. Politically, failure becomes a reason to demand more money, smaller classes, and more trendy courses and programs, ranging from “black English” to bilingualism and “self-esteem.” Politicians who want to look compassionate and concerned know that voting money for such projects accomplishes that purpose for them and voting against such programs risks charges of mean-spiritedness, if not implications of racism.”

  3. I truly love this woman. Smart, independent, strong, and fearless.

    She should be the statue “FEARLESS GIRL” standing against the democrats in congress!

    She is not a “feminist”, she is a powerful person.

    I look forward to watching her star rise for the next 50 years.

    She is an American treasure just like Thomas Sowell.

  4. This entire article contradicts the essay that was written by Thomas Sowell. Those who don’t know and understand the past are prone to repeat it. This agenda of integration that this author proposes is what wrecked education progress for minorities before. Does this agenda appear like Communist manipulation to lower educational achievement to the lowest common denominator? American students aren’t dumbed down enough yet?

    School Desegregation
    Is the solution to the public-schools mess as simple as black and white?
    By Steve Bogira @stevebogira

    “It’s unfair and unreasonable to require the school system with the least resources to educate the vast majority of the kids with the greatest needs, Orfield says. To remedy this, he thinks Chicago should push for the establishment of a voluntary interdistrict transfer program that would allow students in metropolitan Chicago to attend schools in districts other than their own, as long as their transfer enhanced integration. The program would allow Chicago blacks and Hispanics to capitalize on the superior resources of suburban schools. Orfield believes it would also help solve the city schools’ financial problems eventually; when inner-city minorities start attending suburban schools, those school districts will begin to appreciate the costs of educating them, he says, and join the city in lobbying Springfield for more aid.

    Orfield’s ideas are not ivory-tower pipe dreams. Numerous metropolitan areas with school dilemmas like Chicago’s have begun interdistrict transfer programs in recent years. Education officials in Saint Louis and Milwaukee say that thousands of minority schoolchildren are profiting from their interdistrict programs in the ways Orfield suggests minorities would here.”


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