Candace Owens Tours an ICE Detention Center and is Incensed – IOTW Report

Candace Owens Tours an ICE Detention Center and is Incensed

I’ve never seen Candace Owen this upset. She toured an ICE facility in Broward County Florida and this is what she found-

– soccer field

-sand volleyball court

-foosball tables

-Zumba classes

-Arts and crafts

-free phones

-library with computers

-dining room where you can volunteer to help cook if that’s what you want

-barber shop

-hair salon

-24 hour medical care

Candace says this place is nicer than any high school or University that she ever attended. The people are laughing and having quite a time being spoiled.

She says there are children mistreated in this country… American children in the inner cities that don’t have anything at all like this available to them.



25 Comments on Candace Owens Tours an ICE Detention Center and is Incensed

  1. This is probably going to sound stupid, probably is, so bring on the hate.
    I’m waiting for Candice to stop being a BLACK conservative, and just be a fucking conservative.

  2. I understand her reaction. Several years ago the front page of the newspaper had pictures of really nice looking new library, workout room, and gymnasium. I thought they were at one of the state’s colleges or universities or one of the larger high schools. Nope. The pictures were taken in the recently opened new state penitentiary, which replaced the one built in the 1850s. I thought the faculties should have instead been in one of the schools

  3. joe6pak

    No shit, I don’t care if she were orange, she’s babeoliciuos.
    I guess I just insulted Anita Bryant. Or someone. You can’t swing a dead liberal with out insulting someone these days.

  4. I just wanted to say I love you guys at iotw. I love you MJA and BFA because you hang on to what you believe on and for that you have earned my infinite respect, I have had some really rough stretches in my life over the last decade but some how IOTW has helped me cope. LOVE YOU guys forever…

  5. “Skin color politics ending by 2024…”

    I’ll have what Brad is drinking.
    No offense bro but that is some powerful cool-aid.

    I mean, just this week we learned that the venerable “OK” sign now means “White Power.”
    Race relations are a down-bound train.

  6. As long as assholes like obama have an audience, identity politics will be something that has to be recognized and overcome. Trump is doing great, but he needs vocal supporters from the political, entertainment, and the media world. Vocal support from the minority community would make a huge difference. He has us Deplorable’s, but he needs more.

  7. @Bad_Brad September 8, 2018 at 12:31 am

    > You can’t swing a dead liberal with out insulting someone these days.

    Have you tried? I mean really tried. Literally?

    And if you do (have?), please post a video on YouTube. We need a new “ice bucket challenge”.

  8. @Bad_Brad September 8, 2018 at 12:49 am

    > I see skin color politics coming to an end, disappearing, by 2024. Everybody likes a fucking good income. Ya know? Groceries Talk, bull shit walks.

    You are soooo white.

  9. Still don’t trust Owens, but she may actually be genuinely pissed concerning the lies the left have been making about illegals border facilities.

    BTW, there is no way for Owens to avoid the “black” conservative moniker. The divisive media and other leftist operatives won’t let the title go. Besides, being black and openly conservative is such an anomaly, it gets her the attention she seems to crave.

    Also, all Americans are being ripped off by progressive policies that create five star facilities for criminals on the US taxpayers dime – not just black Americans.


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