Candidates unload on budget deal – IOTW Report

Candidates unload on budget deal

ted cruz 2


Republican presidential candidates are slamming the budget bill negotiated by congressional leaders, calling it a grave mistake.

The deal would raise the debt ceiling and set spending levels through 2017, providing an extra $80 billion over the next two years for defense and non-defense spending. The deal also restructures Social Security Disability Insurance and averts premium spikes for some Medicare enrollees.

The agreement is expected to pass the House on Wednesday, and is likely to be a big topic of discussion when the Republican presidential candidates gather Wednesday evening for the third presidential debate.

Here’s a look at what the candidates are saying about the deal that was negotiated, in part, by outgoing Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio.).

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)

Sen. Ted Cruz bashed the deal as capitulation to the Democrats and another example of the party’s failure to abide by its promises to voters.

“This is not a ‘grand bargain’ or negotiation — it is complete and utter surrender,” Cruz said in a statement.

“It is a slap in the face to conservatives who rose up across the country in 2014 on a promise that we would stop the disastrous runaway spending and debt in Washington. We now have a GOP Congress, but no one watching this budget surrender would know it”


h/t C Steven Tucker

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