‘Cannonball’ Record Allegedly Broken During Pandemic – IOTW Report

‘Cannonball’ Record Allegedly Broken During Pandemic

NOT COOL says fellow illegal racers.


The “Cannonball Run” record has allegedly been broken—but the culprits aren’t getting much respect, even from fellow illegal racers. With roads largely empty and much of the country locked down, a team of three or four racers claims to have made it from New York City’s Red Ball Garage to the Portofino Hotel in Redondo Beach, California, in 26 hours and 38 minutes, Road and Track reports. That beats the record set in November by more than 45 minutes. In a now-deleted Facebook post, the team posted a picture of the time and the vehicle involved, a 2019 Audi A8L with two marine fuel tanks in the trunk, reports The Drive. The team said they set off on April 4, the day other drivers had planned a “no-holds-barred” Cannonball race that was called off due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The team did not disclose its average speed. The drivers who set the previous record say they averaged 103mph from New York to LA. Other racers slammed the team for targeting the Cannonball record during a national crisis, noting it was not only in “bad taste,” but that an accident would have created more work for stressed emergency services, reports Road and Track.


16 Comments on ‘Cannonball’ Record Allegedly Broken During Pandemic

  1. Did NY Police detective Roscoe chase them all the way across the country like in the movie Gumball Rally from 1976? The more psycho race was the RAM (Race across America) where super bike riders would ride their bikes non stop clear across the country from LA to New York in 8 or 9 days. They showed clips of this on ABC’s wide World of Sports back in the 70’s or 80’s.

  2. I did my mini version of this yesterday on the way home from my “essential” work. I cut five minutes off my best time. It did take a little longer for the brakes to cool down though…
    I never saw a cop during the 48 mile drive around the Baltimore beltway. The traffic was really light and nobody was heeding the speed limit.

  3. I’m trying to square R&T’s gripe that

    …an accident would have created more work for stressed emergency services…

    with recent reports of empty and even closed hospitals. A few ERs are pretty damned busy, but trauma centers are not.

    I know there are pluses and minuses to these illegal, stick a thumb in the enforcer’s eye races, but in balance, I like ’em. Good luck and open roads to the drivers and crews!

  4. A very busy road runs near my house and the noise can get loud and constant. Since the shut down it has been eerily silent. No damn motorcycles on the weekends or boom boom from stereos. I’m luvin’ it.

  5. @Anonymous APRIL 10, 2020 AT 11:01 AM

    I live on a moderately busy country road not far from a city. It’s been a couple weeks now but I am still astonished at how quiet it is here, almost around the clock. Mondays around 2 am were usually the only time you’d hear any extended silence here. Except for the trains (two miles away), an occasional car, or that tornado that went through the other night, it’s nicely quiet here.

  6. Congrats to team Audi. The record is now 26 hours and 38 minutes. All the haters can go to hell.

    These guys did it the same way everyone else does, with a team of drivers and a ton of support from people on the route ahead sending back info on conditions and police presence.

    Good for them.

  7. Give it an asterisk, if you want, but the cops are still out there pulling people over. At least in Texas they are.

    Now you have a new time to beat.

    I wouldn’t even equate it to an NFL strike year record.

    If only two other boats enter my race. The trophy looks just as good on my mantle. I have been favored by quirky winds on a small city lake, and saved by a front moving through during the race.

    Sometimes the race doesn’t seem fair, but if you don’t race – you can’t win.


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