Can’t Wait to See the People of Dollar Palace Memes – IOTW Report

Can’t Wait to See the People of Dollar Palace Memes

People of Walmart

26 Comments on Can’t Wait to See the People of Dollar Palace Memes

  1. You wouldn’t dare. Some of these people will still have their tooth brushes shoved up their ass. Good Gawd Man, IS NOTHING SACRED ANYMORE. WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO US? BWAAAAAAH.

    I’ll stay tuned. This should be extra good.

  2. We have a lot of Dollar Trees, Dollar Generals, and the Dollar Store catching on here in Pennsylvania — you can buy that stuff you forgot at WalMart and they are usually packed and have a lot of specials like Kmart used to have.

    The parking lot is dangerous with all the drivers over 85 coming and going.

  3. The only decent thing about the “dollar stores” vs Walmart are they’re not jammed up around the first of the month with preferred peoples and their taxpayer supplied SNAP cards. The downside of these bargain outlets is the perpetual state of disarray they’re always in.

  4. I pop into a nearby Dollar General from time to time. It’s a convenient place to pick up last minute items such as a tube of SuperGlue, a couple of aluminum 9 x 13 pans, a bag of ice… It’s sad to see people with carts who appear to be buying their weekly groceries. The small selection of vegetables are available only in cans.

  5. We got a bunch of new DGs here in North Maine.
    Very well organized, and full of bargains compared to the places that have been rooking us for decades.
    You don’t have to have on the latest style of jammys to enter, either.

  6. I stopped at a Super Walmart last night around 9PM. There were three Sheriffs cars parked on the sidewalk at the main entrance and the deputies were inside the vestibule just standing around, like they do this every Saturday night. One of them was dressed in full SWAT gear.

  7. Our Dollar Stores still sell 5 different types of Spam, Dog treats, American Flag pins, cross pins, KJV Bibles, and nice gifts for the ladies so a god fearing muslime may feel uncomfortable there.

  8. The dollar stores in my area are the only ones with a selection (more than one) of Christian sympathy cards. They are nice, and do the job. I prefer them to the more generic sympathy greetings from most chains (Hallmark, American Greetings, etc), and they only cost $1.00.


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