“Can’t Win Trump” Surges Ahead of Hillary – IOTW Report

“Can’t Win Trump” Surges Ahead of Hillary

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28 Comments on “Can’t Win Trump” Surges Ahead of Hillary

  1. Silly Loco. You sound like the democrats now. They build a wall, but hate “the wall”. You bring up bashing Cruz but claim you are above the Cruz bashers.

    LMBO, bashing him is just a release at this point. He is irrelevant and useless so are his supporters

  2. Nix on the 68 bit menderman.
    That was when we elected a tough talker that ended up being a Democrat in Republican clothing. Once elected, Nixon gave the left everything they asked for and more.
    Don’t wish that kind of thing on us, it led right to the dark days of Carter.
    History may not repeat, but it tends to rhyme often.

  3. Well, duh. Let’s start with the fact that the Republicans have a brass-balls candidate who just four days ago brought the house down with a fiery, stinging rebuke of a half-century of failed Democrat policy.

    Stir in a badly bruised candidate whose ethicality has been under attack for months–and who was also attacked in Mr. Brass Balls’ speech.

    Fold in the ferocious followers of the candidate’s chief rival, who are out for blood.

    Add a party that, itself, is now under such intense, sudden ethical scrutiny that there was a mad scramble to replace the party chairman with both an acting party chair and a substitute to preside over the convention–all at less than T-minus 48 hours to the opening gavel of the concention.

    Bake for four days in Philadelphia during a Hell-like heat wave.

    TRUMP/PENCE 2016!

  4. I responded to your idiot post, Loco.

    You whine in other threads about Cruz not being honored and loved, then invite it. I aim to please.

    You have no point that I can see other than trying to hold onto your superior conservative self importance by being the water carrier here for a loser. Trump won, by definition all the rest lost = losers. You want to honor the man?, stop bringing him up in the company of those who want to move forward and back a winner.

  5. Obama Jarrett are taking down the Clintons once and for all which I don’t mind a bit. It will go down in history as the only thing Obama ever did to benefit America but that’s unintentional.

    Obama/Jarrett miscalculation – they think Trump will be beatable in 2020 and they’ll return with mandate to finish the transformation into a banana republic.

    May explain why Cruz was on Air Force 1 with them a week before his speech meant to undermine Trump.

  6. Aggie, I was answering Menderman’s question.
    I answered it with a true statement.
    Trump came out after his speech and bashed Cruz.
    I was talking about Trump, not iotw.
    Hopefully he is done and ready to move on.
    I wouldn’t bet on it though.

    Thanks again for your additional failed effort at refuting my statement.
    I was

  7. The only poll that counts is the one after 11/8. That’s it. The one that says Trump won with 100% certainty. 😉

    If you haven’t had a chance yet, go look at the Wikileaks emails about DNC/NBC (and I’m sure others) colluding to skew poll numbers. And we all know that CNN and others have conveniently ignored their own viewer polls to fit the Left’s narrative. Trump is going to win this in a landslide, the way he did the primaries. That was his strategy — to be beyond any doubt of the win.

    We can use everyone’s help. Please consider signing up with the campaign to do the usual grunt work (which is what it’ll take): phones, walk & knock, yard signs. And empty your sugar bowls of that spare change. He shouldn’t have to pay for our freedom, patriots.

  8. Nice try,Loco. I’ll even buy it.

    Trump responded to Cruz ‘s defending his stupid stunt at the convention (with worn out lies) to who he thought were his fans (he got boo’d again). I responded to you, after you made a silly comment about Cruz bashing – now expaling you were just bashing Trump, not IOTW posters. See how it works?

  9. Overheard from a Dem at a left-leaning get-together in NE Ohio this weekend:

    “Just because a candidate has a ‘D’ after their name doesn’t mean they’re the best choice!”

  10. @Anonymous

    “How can she win an election?!”

    Like this…

    Rafael Rivera left Puerto Rico for central Florida late last year, fed up with the island’s escalating debt crisis and dwindling sales at his cellphone shop.

    Five months later, Rivera, 36, has a nice apartment in the Orlando suburb of Kissimmee and a job at a nearby Hyundai dealership. He’s also registered to vote.

    Rivera is a part of a wave of Puerto Ricans fleeing the island’s beleaguered economy and transforming the Florida electorate. Each week, as many as 1,000 Puerto Ricans arrive in central Florida, according to some estimates, joining a community of more than 1 million Puerto Ricans across the state that has grown tenfold since 1980.”


    Don’t kid yourself, anon. She is down, but far from out.

  11. @Charlie Walks On Water — Don’t have a link, but Manafort and others with the campaign have it down to the number of votes in specific precincts within specific counties at this point. It’s looking good. So good, in fact, that they are now pushing out into the heretofore ‘blue’ states. They are challenging the set-in-stone, conventional thinking about states like NY, PA, etc., because of the dire straits many communities in them face — crime stats, unemployment, taxes = campaign messages of ‘security’, ‘jobs’, ‘gov’t corruption’.

  12. AA –
    Normally I would agree with you about polling not mattering, but when your own side continually says that the nominee can’t win in order to mitigate their conscience and to justify their unwillingness to back the GOP candidate, it’s important to show that a major tent pole in their narrative is pretty wobbly.

  13. @Fur, Oh, I didn’t realize the “Trump Can’t Win” referred to our own side. Sorry. I guess it’s because no matter who is saying it, at this point, I don’t care. If someone on ‘our side’ is still saying it, then I don’t think they’re on ‘our side’ no more.

    I’m not built for protracted, stalemate, argument. I’ve gotta get up and do something that is part of the solution.

  14. Shock and awe. I are lunch in a very liberal area near Akron, OH today. I couldn’t help but hear the conversations at 2 tables near me. One table of middle-aged guys and a table of younger woman talking about how they detest Hillary, Wasterman Schitz and the DNC. Both groups expressing the need for Trump to jump start the economy, he understands business, keep the illegals out, etc. Made a dull day much better.

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