Capitalism Report – Make money by promoting freedom – IOTW Report

Capitalism Report – Make money by promoting freedom

From Billy Fuster-

I have been wearing my MAGA hat around town and so far have been only getting positive responses. (Of course my county went 65% Trump.) When someone says, “Hey, I like your hat” I respond, “Thanks. I sell them. Would you like to buy one?”  Then they usually say, “Sure, how much?”
“Eight bucks”, I reply.
Then I grab a hat  from my car and the transaction takes place with pleasantries, name introductions, etc.
I buy the MAGA hats from eBay. There are many sources and many styles but so far I have just stuck to the red baseball hats. I pay less than $3 apiece for them. Most suppliers provide free shipping. The last batch I bought came from Canada (via China, I’m sure ) and were really nice with stitched lettering and an American flag on the side.
You can sell them for whatever you want but I’m more than happy to make $5 on each one. If someone really likes the hat but can’t afford it I’ll usually just give them one. Soon I’ll order “Trump 2020” hats and sell those.
So I’m thinking you can post this and maybe get this idea rollin’.  Who doesn’t like making money and friends while promoting freedom?
-Billy Fuster
****** iOTW disavows itself from any violence, hardships, or phucknuts who harass you because of your decision to buy, wear, or sell, the MAGA hat.
(Isn’t it telling that we have to include this disclaimer? The left is vile.)

5 Comments on Capitalism Report – Make money by promoting freedom

  1. Good work Billy! Sitting in the shadows hoping the lefties don’t notice us is a bad idea. We need to be strong and proud in our support for President Trump! Remember, we outnumber those assholes!

  2. POTUS appears to have taken down the Tweet of the quick video of Some people did something? 911! Ok I guess it’s still out there and we all know it. I hoped he wouldn’t but I don’t see it. Still I trust POTUS’ judgment MAGA Trump 2020! Still I see an older retweet re: Omar, just not the 911 one. Some were cheering and we know it.

  3. @Jimmy April 14, 2019 at 6:27 pm

    > When Billy Fuster speaks, people listen.

    I envision a card table (no, not a desk, a folding leg card table), next to the “Western Union” counter, in every Walmart. Offering “financial services” (that’s what it says on the tent card on top of the table). With a vinyl (only vinyl!) “tablecloth” with that written on the front. And Billy’s (licensed) grin. Who’s in!?

    (And when are those iOTWr bucks going to be trading above par with the U.S. dollar?)


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