Capitalists step in to help distraught little girl when socialism denied her life-changing surgery – IOTW Report

Capitalists step in to help distraught little girl when socialism denied her life-changing surgery

A girl was bullied and teased so much in school she developed an eating and incontinence disorder.

The FREE HEALTHCARE deemed the surgery frivolous and a “school problem.”

There was nowhere to turn.

Then a private hospital stepped in and is donating the surgery, free of charge.


22 Comments on Capitalists step in to help distraught little girl when socialism denied her life-changing surgery

  1. Government bureaucrats are impervious to shame. Which is to say you cannot shame a government bureaucrat into doing the right thing. They will quote you rules & regulations and tell you it’s not them and that their hands are tied and to take it up with the legislator. Oh, you can bribe a government bureaucrat but that is another topic.

    A private institution can quickly asses a situation and decide A. We should do something or the public outrage will be very bad B. We should do something because the PR will kick ass more than any commercial could ever do C. We should do something because it is the right thing to do or D. All of the above.

    This is something a progtard will never understand. They have accepted the State and their temporal and spiritual savior and should they get their way they will turn our world into a type and shadow of the hell they are bound for in the eternities.

  2. We’ve all heard and read stories of the sheer callousness that some government department operates in but we rarely read about the private sector stepping in, uninvited to say we have this now piss off and let us get it done. I’ll bet her new ears are better to.

  3. This is a perfect illustration of the compassion of a private health care facility vs. a bureaucratic socialist health care system. As any vet who has been to a VA facility lately can attest. But the progs are hell-bent on forcing this on us.

  4. The linked article said that the operation was about 3,500 British pounds. That’s about $4,500 U.S. Couldn’t mum have given up the telly cable and her smart phone for a year to afford such a necessary operation?

  5. Thank God I live in the USA. With all of its problems, we are not cruel like those schools and government healthcare bureaucrats.
    I wonder how many of the kids who bully her are immigrants.

  6. @grool–I don’t know if your statement meant that A) you’re surprised that the article mentioned a father or B) that you are not surprised that there is no father.

    Here is a sentence from the article: “Cara and her husband decided to take Lillianna to the doctors to see if there was anything they could do to help.”

  7. Oh yeah but they’ll put out millions to do surgery on mentally ill people to help them ‘transition’
    Capitalism and freedom from bureaucratic rules allows for a better society.

  8. Clark Gable has the same problem (though not to that extreme), and had the same surgery to pin back his ears. All this before he became a superstar.
    Use that as an example.

  9. I think she’s adorable just as she is. It’s a shame the school didn’t protect her from the bullies.
    The bullies & the teachers who failed her should have been removed first.


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