“Capitol Fox” Tests Positive for Rabies – IOTW Report

“Capitol Fox” Tests Positive for Rabies


The “aggressive” fox that Capitol Police captured Tuesday tested positive for rabies after biting at least nine people around Capitol Hill, according to District of Columbia Department of Health officials.

The female fox was “humanely euthanized” earlier Wednesday in order to test it for rabies, DC Health said Wednesday evening, noting that the agency is contacting “all human victims who were bitten by the fox.” More

22 Comments on “Capitol Fox” Tests Positive for Rabies

  1. Seriously, those shots are gonna be wild.

    “Typically given in a set schedule of four doses over the course of 14 days (beginning with the day of exposure), the rabies vaccine is administered by injection.5 In addition, most people also receive a treatment called human rabies immunoglobulin (HRIG) unless they have been previously vaccinated or are receiving pre-exposure rabies vaccines. Also administered by injection, HRIG is given the day the animal bite occurred.6”

    If the humans had the rona virus jabs, how will they react to it?
    If I remember right, the rabies shot has boosters too. [after the initial treatment]

  2. JDHasty
    APRIL 7, 2022 AT 11:32 AM
    “Is there a GoFundMe set up? I feel obligated to make a donation to that fox.”

    …send it C/O our resident fox Claudia. She handles all things vulpine and will see to it your donation gets put to good use.

  3. Brilliant idea:
    Now that TX Gov Abbott is busing illegal invaders to biden* in DC, maybe he should fill the bus’ luggage compartment with assorted rabid animals.

    If the pols indeed double- or triple-vaxxed, we should have DC Spring Cleaning done by Easter!!


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