Captain Kirk Says It’s Highly Illogical To Not Be Able To Tell a Woman She Has Nice Legs – IOTW Report

Captain Kirk Says It’s Highly Illogical To Not Be Able To Tell a Woman She Has Nice Legs

The Shat just wants to be able to go where many men have gone before.

He’s perplexed as to why it would be a bad think to compliment a woman.

As long as you don’t cling on I don’t see the problem, either.


“In 2018 we have the #MeToo movement, which I think is great, that these hidden forces are exposed and not to be allowed and women have equal rights. I’ve got three daughters [aged 60, 57 and 54], I’m all for that.”

“But if you look back at things that were written and said 20, 30 years ago, it’s a different context,” the legendary “Star Trek” star shared. “And you’ve got to judge it by that context. Rape and pillage, absolutely not, those are crimes against humanity. But saying ”would you make love with me?’ And the opposing party says yes or no, I can’t fathom what’s wrong with that.”


24 Comments on Captain Kirk Says It’s Highly Illogical To Not Be Able To Tell a Woman She Has Nice Legs

  1. …of course, Shatner said he thought Nichelle Nichols was pretty cute, so while I agree with him on principle, can’t say much about his taste…

    …also, I can’t TELL you how old it makes ME feel,to read that Captain Kirk’s youngest DAUGHTER is 54 YEARS OLD…thanks, article

  2. …and yet it’s OK for Joe Biden to enthuse about HIGH SCHOOL cheerleaders (he says “college”, but he’s AT a high school at the time)…

    “Guess what, the cheerleaders in college are the best athletes in college,” Biden said. “You think, I’m joking, they’re almost all gymnasts, the stuff they do on hard wood, it blows my mind.”

    …and everything BILL says to women is OK too, to say nothing of HILLARY’S attitude towards them…

  3. He played a part on an episode of Gun Smoke where Nimoy played a stoic Injun. If you ever see it you will think, Hey, That’s Spock. You can probably find that episode on line. Very unimportant interesting shit.

  4. On my most recent first date (which was fixing a meal for homeless people), she complimented my butt. I told her it was from all the squats I did.
    The type of woman who gets upset over a sincere, non-pushy compliment is not one I am interested in getting to know.

  5. Shatner is a good enough guy, mellowed by age, and he’s a part of my grandparents generation, so his head isn’t filled with faux philosophical bullshit and division of the sexes disguised as feminism or whatever.

    There’s always been idiots and radicals and assholes, but they used to be shunned or told that they’re an idiot or an asshole. Now they’re given rewards, attention and worst of all… positions of power.


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