Captain Long Neck Placed On Leave For Being a Typical Leftist – IOTW Report

Captain Long Neck Placed On Leave For Being a Typical Leftist

Leftism is not civil. It has no place in civil society.

John Jay professor placed on administrative leave for tweeting he’s proud to teach ‘future dead cops’

35 Comments on Captain Long Neck Placed On Leave For Being a Typical Leftist

  1. He had better hope he never needs the services of the police.
    If I was a police officer responding to his urgent 9-1-1 call, I might stop for a doughnut first.

    Likewise, if he was my son, I would disown him. A total disgrace.

  2. Best line in article; “So much for free speech, I guess.”
    This is what Son of April said after he was put on admin leave after his tweet.
    And he is completely oblivious to the irony.

  3. Evolution 101. The elongated neck makes it much easier to fully insert the head into the rectum, an extremely common practice among Progressives. Also take note of the pronounced taper of the cranium, which not only aids in the insertion, but highlights the reduced mental capacity typical of the Antifa sub-species.

    FYI – this material will be on the test…

  4. He was hired by the univ because, not despite, he is a leftist sjw freak. That is a fundamental qualification for univ faculty posts. The entire US univ system is a far left insane asylum.

  5. Hey! He stated he is open minders enough to have an ‘alt-right’ student in his class. He even worked with the student until he was able to produce an acceptable paper. How generous.

    I have heard how the leftist bastard teachers ‘help’ non-group think students, if they want to pass. DO NOT THINK FOR YOURSELF, if you want to pass.

  6. Joe
    If you lied in Cal you wouod have grown up with him as an “ordinary” Prof . 58 years ago the 1st Guv Brown started putting his ilk as professors in the UC system. Does Prof “Angela Davis” ring a bell? She actually killed a “racist judge” with a 12 g. shot gun (as a Prof at UC at LA). Brown was replaced by a racist named Ronnie who actually fired some of these guys. Guess what? ACLU went to court to embarrass Ronnie and actually got some of them rehired WITH BACK PAY!

  7. Jackass has doubled down. Sort of.

    Here’s a funny. I save pages of news and other interest to a backup device. Folders are relevantly named (documents>politics, recipes, general interest, etc). The computer does a good job of ‘guessing’ where a page should go when I hit the download button. I have no idea what is used to determine that, but when went to save the linked NYP article, it wanted to send it to the folder “Trees and Plants”.

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