Captain Pike Actually Looks Better – IOTW Report

Captain Pike Actually Looks Better


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25 Comments on Captain Pike Actually Looks Better

  1. Meet the November Surprise. Bill Clinton’s untimely death from a combination of venereal disease’s and from a series of frying pan to cranium accidents. The undecided then vote for the poor Widow Clinton and her caretaker Huma.

  2. I just saw Killlary on FOX, screaming something. I had it on mute.
    But, but, Bill can’t seem to keep his mouth closed? He has to force his jaw up and bite his lip to close his mouth. Som tin werry, werry, wong.

  3. Sometimes he chews on his tongue…will be smothered in his sleep a few days before the election for the sympathy vote..such wailing, such laudation, such adulation, such sorrow for the loss of their true love union . Must be ready to turn the TV off until a river of tears votes the Hyena into office. Then, the imprisonment begins, then the firings for poorly chosen words at work, the expulsions for crime thought, the Taxes, the climate change money, the forced diversity where your English teacher does not speak english, the alternative fuels that let you die of heat stroke, the money, the massive amounts of money to be made from corruption, the weekly explosions and beheadings in America, the Christian persecution, the debt without limit, the medical collapse that leaves your children and loved ones in a bed of the previous patients feces, the end..

  4. He’s the oldest, frail-est looking 69 I’ve ever seen. Outside a coffin.
    My guesses:
    Cirrhosis. Advanced late stage AIDS from the little girls and boys whose lives he’s touched on his travels.
    Long term Neuro damage from decades of recreational drugs.
    And don’t forget his well documented advanced heart disease, with his two
    separate bypass operations (that we know of).
    And then, they have to sober him up temporarily to get through some endorsement speech, like this week. D.T.’s are hell on an old man.

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