GUESS WHAT? We’ve decided to give a magnet to the runners up as well.
Congratulations to all 3, and a hearty thank you to our host for this contest, and the person responsible for donating the truck magnets, Joe 6 Pak.
Email me your mailing address to claim your prize (
Let me know if you want a Cruz or a Trump.
Second Runner Up: mrimmortalfish
“Dads live WITH their kids?!”
First runner up: LocoBlancoSaltine
#Bug Eyes Matter
Winner: MJA
“Free Rubella shot with every book signed!”
Oh neat! Thanks, guys!
And congrats Mrimmortalfish and Loco!
Thanks Fur, Joe, and everyone who voted.
Congrats MJA!
I had to Bing Rubella.
Never heard of it?
Of course the only shot I like is 80 proof!
Now I have to decide Cruz or Trump before my state actually votes in the primary. Doh!
Loco, too bad you get one. My observation is that I get a LOT of thumbs up with the Trump magnet. Much less for Cruz. If you had one of each you have ladies offering to buy you drinks.
Captioning photos is great fun. Can we have more? Prizes not necessary.
congrats to the winners. Those were great.
Well, I guess you guys did OK … but shouldn’t I get a prize, too?
I mean, I didn’t actually make a caption … or submit it … but I did read the others … that’s … sorta like participation.
Yes Joey you get a picture of Nancy Pelosi swimming naked!
OH MAN! My penis is tingling already!
Scuse me … I gotta take care of this …
I DEMAND a RECOUNT! (ALL CAPS = real emotion)
But…but don’t we all get a trophy? No?
Oh wait…this isn’t run by Democrats? I’ll show you!
Well,I’m getting my friends over at BLM to storm your offices! That’ll teach you to mess with the us.
What’s that? I’m white?
Yeah, but I may not identify as white. So there!
I still want the free stuff!
(That was fun…lets have more of these. Congrats to the winners!)
I am still deciding.
I figure the Trump may get stolen!
Free drinks are definitely in my wheelhouse though…
Thanks Joe_Suds!
joe6pak is one hell of a great guy! Thanks for doing this!
Thanks Menderman, instead of making a cash donation to a big time campaign I like spreading the word of guys I like. So this works well for me too. I think that image should be marketed, somebody in that business could sell quite a few of these.
Congratulations to the winners. Great contest!