Car drives into crowd of people during ‘Trans Lives Matter’ rally – IOTW Report

Car drives into crowd of people during ‘Trans Lives Matter’ rally

We need vehicular control laws.


Writing online, Beth Gombos, who was at the rally in Grove, said: ‘Our group of queer, trans, and gender non binary folx having a vigil for a black trans woman, kiwi herring, was just rammed by a car in the Grove.

‘Multiple people hit, nobody seriously injured. I stopped out the way just in time to not get hit but others were hit and at least one person seen by a medic.’

The vigil was in honour of Kenneth ‘Kiwi’ Herring, who was described as a 30-year-old black male, though friends said she identified as a woman.

She was discovered with knife wounds at her flat on Tuesday night.

Interim police Chief Lawrence O’Toole said: ‘The suspect flourished a knife and slashed at the officers, slicing one officer on the arm.

‘The officers fired and shot and killed the suspect.’

The 30-year-old is believed to be the 19th trans person killed by police in the US this year.


Trans are immune from murder?

Is there some wild expectation that trans can never be murdered?


26 Comments on Car drives into crowd of people during ‘Trans Lives Matter’ rally

  1. Driver showed great restraint, if no one was hurt.

    Mob invades and takes over street. Mob surrounds and immobilizes innocent unrelated driver. Slamming on glass windows, brandishing weapons, shouting threats of bodily harm to the driver.
    When driver attempts to escape the fate of Reginald Denny and uses car to get away, the mob claims “victimhood”.

    Some say this is what actually occurred in Charlottesville. Where a mob of Antifa was blocking the street, and the driver.
    We may have to wait for the trial to know.

  2. If it wasn’t some poor schmuck caught by this crowd and trying to get away I’d put money on it being another trans who’d been the dumpee in a relationship with somebody in the crowd. For all the jokes about trannies I’d would go out of my way not to piss one off because when push comes to knife fight I’d rather not face a guy in a dress whose hormones are so buggered up that he/she makes Freddy from Nightmare look like Al Gore.

  3. (She was discovered with knife wounds at her flat on Tuesday night.
    Interim police Chief Lawrence O’Toole said: ‘The suspect flourished a knife and slashed at the officers, slicing one officer on the arm.
    ‘The officers fired and shot and killed the suspect.’)

    What am I missing? I read it twice. They talking about the driver of whoever killed “kiwi” ?

    They’re talking about ‘Kiwi’

  4. So the cops went to kiwi’s apartment after some incident and he met them with a knife, stabbed a cop in the arm, and they wonder why he’s dead? And they’re honoring him for what now? LOL. Whatever.

  5. scr_north- I agree. Trannies pumped up with excessive amounts of roids or hormones are never a good idea. LOL.

    I have a medical question for anyone who knows. What is the rate of cancer in transgenders?
    Adding or lowering hormones [especially ones that don’t belong to you] can flip a cancer switch, no?
    They always warn menopausal women and birth control users about it.


    Did you see the driver in, were was it, Ferguson, MO? Black mob surrounded his SUV, and he drove right through them?

    Run ’em over, you don’t have to be a victim.

  7. That was the most confusing article. They have to bend backwards in order to pass their narrative, transpeople are being killed!!!!
    After reading and rereading, I gather that —”Tuesday, the police were called to an apartment, they were received by someone with a knife, Kenneth, who slashed the police officer’s arm. The officer reacted and killed the aggressor. —Wednesday, people went to the street for a vigil/protest, blocking the streets and someone drove the car on them.”

  8. I wouldn’t even think of surrounding some poor uninvolved schmuck’s car in a protest, much less doing anything to threaten or intimidate same person. Therefore, I stand little to no chance of seeing what the under side of a car looks (and feels) like.

    WTF is wrong with people these days???

  9. The person who wrote that is a lying sack of monkey shit. They surrounded the car of an elderly man and started trying to destroy it. He got scared and floored it and got the hell out of there. Luckily for the mentally ill trans morons it wasn’t someone carrying a firearm who would’ve been well within their rights to shoot the hell out of a few of these degenerate imbeciles.

  10. What am I missing here? The driver was arrested after his car was attacked and he went through the attackers who were beating on the windows and other parts of his car. Missouri is a “stand your ground state”. So if he had rolled down the window and when someone reached in and shot them he would not have been arrested?

  11. “scr_north- I agree. Trannies pumped up with excessive amounts of roids or hormones are never a good idea. LOL.”

    Oh my Gawd. Yikes, your’e out there in left field on that one. Wrong Roid.

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