Car is Horny – IOTW Report

Car is Horny

25 Comments on Car is Horny

  1. LAN networks.Fiber optic control lines.
    11 computers and systems on top of systems
    to monitor more electronic systems. Alot of
    older repairmen are retiring. The dealers
    can’t even fix some cars…..

  2. Because of all the crap they put on vehicles that many don’t want or need.
    The last good vehicle I had was my 98 Ford F150. Rubber floors, hand crank windows and manual locks, A/C, cruise control, radio and 5 spd manual with 16 inch wheels.
    Everything I needed.
    Can’t buy that vehicle anymore.

  3. Was the vehicle owned by a horny teenager. Years ago, at my dad’s Shell station we had a customer who honked his horn deliberately at one of my dad’s mechanics when he went to check the oil like we always did for every customer. Norm then very calmly went inside the garage and grabbed a pair of dykes (pliers) and came back out and promptly cut the jerks horn wires, slammed the hood down and walked away. My dad was watching laughing his ass off and didn’t say anything to Norm about it and that jerk never came back and bought gas from us ever again. Sometimes the customer isn’t always right.

  4. A friend of mine had a little tiny Honda 600 back in the mid 70’s who put a diesel air horn under his hood and when someone would make fun of him or insult that little POS Honda, he would lay into that horn and scare the shit out of them. No one ever expected that.

  5. geoff – I had a 66 Chevy Bisquick with the stright six in it. There was sooo much space under the hood I had to put it to good use, so I went to the junk yard and bought a bunch of horns. Installed seven different horns under the hood! When I hit the horn at an intersection everybody looked around for the accident!!

  6. My fantasy is to have a car horn that has a sort of sliding scale of intensity, quieter to louder, gentle to ferocious. A spectrum of available sounds, beginning at one end with a tinkling bell and a voice saying, “Excuse me sir or madam, but the light has turned green,” and at the other end something that sounds like a diesel-electric locomotive and a voice screaming, “GET OUT OF THE F███ING WAY, YOU F███ING ███HOLE!” or “PUT DOWN YOUR F███ING PHONE, S███HEAD!”

  7. We all had Triumphs and BSAs with Lucas electric, Amal carbs, and whitworth bolts. Constantly working on them. Different world.

    My friend had a Chevy Biscayne with a 409 that we called the Bisquick. Never heard anyone else call it that ’til now.

  8. I like Uncle Al’s idea combined with Harry Eyeball’s. When you hold the horn button down, one of your options is:

    “MOVE, BITCH!”
    “Get out the way!”
    “Get out the way, BITCH!”
    “Get out the way!”

    Or, maybe:

    “Do you feel lucky, PUNK?”
    “Well, do ya?”

  9. Yea we had Brit bikes too. Of all the bikes I’ve owned my favorite is still the ’72 650 tiger I had for about 6 years.
    And we knew all about ‘Joe Lucas… The prince of darkness.’

  10. Boys will be boys and have a blast acting like boys, ain’t it great. One of my brothers had a Triumph 750 that you could hear for blocks after he’d take off from my dad’s Shell station heading S. on Regal St. gunning it as hard as he could. He also had a little Austin Healy bug eyed sprite and kept it running because we used to have a damned good British car mechanic living in Spokane who worked exclusively on English cars.

  11. @Huron: “I once wired the horn on my friends truck into his brake light circuit.”

    We did the same in grad school 35 years ago, and then stuck on a bumper sticker that said “honk if you’re gay”


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