Caravan illegals enrage other migrants by cutting in line – IOTW Report

Caravan illegals enrage other migrants by cutting in line

American Thinker- After the big splashy build-up, along with a few middle fingers at Uncle Sam, the leftist illegal migrants of the famous caravan have gotten several of theirs into the country as asylum-seekers, where, if they are anything like other illegals, they are sure to disappear into the gang-infested Central American neighborhoods of Los Angeles, where they can experience the same gang violence they are purportedly running away from back in Honduras, and then not show up for their parole hearings.

One problem: There are other migrants awaiting to enter as asylum-seekers at the Tijuana border, and these caravaners have cut in front of them.

Get a load, from the report filed by the San Diego Union-Tribune’s estimable Sandra Dibble, who actually checked out what was going on on the ground over there:

6 Comments on Caravan illegals enrage other migrants by cutting in line

  1. So the Line-Cutters are pissed at the NEW Line-Cutters?
    How about this:
    Piss off you grubby bunch of trespassing low life bastards.
    Either come in the door, when its your turn, or piss off down the coast

  2. We really need a 150-year moratorium on any further immigration, for any reason, from Mexico and Centeral America, and a 75-year moratorium from virtually anywhere else outside of the Anglosphere.


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