Cargo Shippers Thinking Of Taking “The Magnus Effect” Out For A Spin – IOTW Report

Cargo Shippers Thinking Of Taking “The Magnus Effect” Out For A Spin

Shipping companies looking to cut their carbon footprint have begun exploring the use of rotor sails which would put giant spinning column on the decks of the giant container ships that ply today’s oceans. Here

Relying on what is called the “Magnus effect” that will pull the vessels through the water as the rotor sail comes into contact with the wind (think of how a dimpled golf ball gains lift as it spins through the air). There’s already a cruise ship equipped with rotor sails. Here


10 Comments on Cargo Shippers Thinking Of Taking “The Magnus Effect” Out For A Spin

  1. They could have a solar powered fan blow on the sails.
    It’d be free shipping all over the world.
    An with a GDS thing you woldn’t’na even kneed a crew.

    See – this kinda outward thingkin is why I is the only wun available to be presnent.

  2. Aw gee whiz, they kept the best part of the story all the way at the end of their boring article.

    Ready for this one?

    “The U.N.’s International Maritime Organization made the ruling in 2016. After implementation, the rule will rule cut shippers access to fuel in the short and mid-term by forcing half the world’s refineries to close down because they are not equipped to produce the type of fuel demanded, according to Philip K. Verleger, a senior adviser at the Brattle Group.

    The U.N. rule may cause the price of oil to skyrocket to $200-$400 dollars a barrel in 2020, Verleger said.”

  3. Why not just bring back oars?
    You can use all those extra millennials or convicts to row.
    Would that be a carbon neutral form of power? Probably not considering they would all exhale carbon dioxide…

  4. If it makes business economic sense, then fine. But the things’ manufacturing, installation, operation, and maintenance would have to be cheaper than the fuel burned without them. And I’m NOT talking about govt subsidies or any other kind of coercive wealth-stealing schemes.

  5. Didn’t Steve Zissou (Jacques Cousteau? Ted Kennedy? One of the submariner guys…) already try this? And the rotors kept snapping off the deck. Because there’s nothing supporting them at the top.


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