Carlson – Covid 19 Virus Can Be Traced back To Fauci Himself! – IOTW Report

Carlson – Covid 19 Virus Can Be Traced back To Fauci Himself!

ht/ js

11 Comments on Carlson – Covid 19 Virus Can Be Traced back To Fauci Himself!

  1. Fauci Probably got Trump sick on purpose. I firmly believe that Donald Trump was actively targeted by someone to sabotage his re-election.

    Problem was He was tough enough to beat it like a man, not like a little asshole hiding in a Cottage in Ottawa.

    Less than 5 months of Biden:
    Fuel shortages
    Labor shortages
    Iranian Hostilities
    Cyber attacks
    Boarder Catastrophe
    Middle East Hostilities (Hamas/PLO fault)
    Food supply issues starting to appear
    North Korean Sabre Rattling
    Police resignations en mass
    BLM Violence continuing
    Variant Plandemic Viruses
    Wuhan starting to look like a Bio Weapon “Accident”
    Good Luck Western World.

    I predicted Blood in the sand in 6 months. We are almost there. I hope i am wrong, but technically is has started already.

  2. My take has been that gain of function experiments can’t be conducted (illegal) in the U.S. Yet, the powers that be want it done so it was contracted out to the Wuhan lab to do the dirty work with little man overseeing it. It’s the same joe is trying to do by having private corporations spy on us because it’s supposedly illegal for govt. to do so. I say supposedly because we know they’ve been doing it all along…..guess they’re afraid they might get caught now.

  3. I saw that broadcast last night. I was half excited and half depressed. The jury is still out on Tucker in my book. He seems to have weekly revelations that don’t pan out. If he has proof he should put it out there.

  4. When mainstream finally gets around to reporting what internet sleuths have mentioned for damn near a whole year.

    Kinda like when you (well, I was anyhow) were ostracized for telling people they are stupid for wearing a mask outside for an entire year.

  5. Kcir – Fauci Probably got Trump sick on purpose.

    I had similar thoughts at the time, but never said anything because it sounded to conspiratorial… now look at things! WOW!

  6. The jab is the end. Vaccinated people will drop like flies when they get sick the next time. Vaccine will cause their immune systems to go into overdrive and they will die from cytokene storm. Mass deaths incoming this fall and winter. It’s not the “virus” that is the killer, it’s the JAB.

    This is the next one being planned by our overlords, SPARS 2025. Read the plan from Johns Hopkins.




  7. The jab is the end. Vaccinated people will drop like flies when they get sick the next time. Vaccine will cause their immune systems to go into overdrive and they will die from cytokene storm. Mass deaths incoming this fall and winter. It’s not the “virus” that is the killer, it’s the JAB.

    This is the next one being planned by our overlords, SPARS 2025. Read the plan from Johns Hopkins.

  8. And what about any financial incentive Fauxci had in creating and spreading the CCP Flu? We need to know his motivations for promoting and exploiting this virus.

  9. ^ stirrin – It satisfies every player in the world’s Communist / Corporate / Elitist / Political Cabal – from the CCP to the DNC to the Bill Gateses to the people who own the FED to environmentalists to crony Capitalists to the Deep State paranoids and warring Neocons. There are more players but I need food…

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