Carnation Milk, the Best in the Land… – IOTW Report

Carnation Milk, the Best in the Land…


@Carnation @carnationsocial My 96-year-old mother whipped out this ryhme of your old “street slogan”. She remembered this from when she was a kid, “before television”!!!!!

♬ The Old Lady Next Door – ADub

14 Comments on Carnation Milk, the Best in the Land…

  1. Carnation milk is the best because it comes “from contented cows”. As a kid, the only milk I drank was Carnation or Pet from the can. Mix a can of milk with an equal amount of water (about 28 ounces total). We used empty Miracle Whip jars and filled them a couple of inches from the top. When I started school, I thought there was something wrong with the little cardboard cartons of “standard” milk because it didn’t taste nearly as good as what I drank at home.

  2. And the baby “formula” my mom used was:

    1 can of evaporated milk

    2 Tbsp of Karo syrup (which was considered more nutritious than just sugar or “regular” corn syrup

    1 can of water

    Younger people I’ve told this thought I was crazy or lying about what “baby formula” was when I was growing up. They thought the formulas like Similac or Enfamil had always been around an available / affordable. And I never heard of babies being allergic to the formula I grew up on.

  3. My wife’s 97 yo Granny used to recite this:

    Here’s to life. Ain’t it grand.
    I just got divorced from my old man.

    I laughed and laughed at the judge’s decision.
    ‘Cause he gave him the kids, and they weren’t even his’n.

  4. People born at the “turn” of the the 20th century were tough as nails. They had to be to survive.
    My grandmother on my mother’s side was a very proper lady, yet she would calmly come up with some risque saying;
    “Your eyes may shine and your teeth may grit, but none of this s**t are you gonna get.”
    LOL! Ticked me off when she’d say that when I was a kid. It meant I wasn’t getting whatever delicious food treat she had made for herself. As an adult it cracked me up when she’d just blurt that out.

  5. I still remember the old Carnation Dairy sign on the Carnation Dairy all lit up at night with its large bright white neon letters going North. On Washington Street just across the Spokane River and just up from downtown. The dairy is no longer there, it is now a microbrewery and a bar. We also had a few Benewah dairies that were shaped like giant white milk bottles in art deco style back in the day. One of them is a small restaurant called the Milk Bottle which is a really good burger and ice cream joint. They have good old fashioned ice cream with a high butterfat content that is the best in town.


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