Carney: Friday’s Rally Shows No One Cares About the Shutdown – IOTW Report

Carney: Friday’s Rally Shows No One Cares About the Shutdown

Pity poor Nancy Pelosi.

Breitbart: The California Congresswoman reclaimed the Speaker’s gavel this week after a campaign against her Democratic Party rivals and critics that was so terrifyingly and efficiently brutal that it even impressed Breitbart’s Matt Boyle. To those with a cinematic frame of mind it recalled The Godfather’s baptism of fire sequence depicting Michael Corleone relentlessly eliminating rivals for his family’s control of American organized crime.

As is now traditional when an opposition party seizes control of the House of Representatives, the Democrats promptly shut down the federal government. In fact, somehow the Democrats shut down the government even before formally taking control of the House. This was accomplished through the machinations of Chuck Schumer, the New Yorker who leads the Democratic minority in the U.S. Senate, nearly a week before Pelosi’s ascension, a timeline that Capitol Hill sources insist was in no way Schumer’s clever ploy to deprive Pelosi of the time-honored oppositional House majority leadership role of leading the shutdown enjoyed by Speakers Newt Gingrich in 1995 and 1996 and John Boehner in 2013.

The shutdowns of yore, however, were attended by a least some sense of national crisis. Not so the current shutdown. It has barely shown up as a blip on the radar screen of our public life. Netflix’s claims about the viewership of “Birdbox” garnered more attention and more controversy. Even the last shutdown, initiated by Schumer and Pelosi a year ago, at least had a pretense to consequence.

Down on Wall Street, no one appeared to notice the government had been mothballed. The drama of the week revolved around trade negotiations, Federal Reserve policy, and Apple falling far from the China tree. The market tanked, tanked again, and then tanked some more. But no one pretended the shutdown had entered into their calculation of the proper value of equity shares. And when the market rallied on Friday, thanks to the addition of 312,000 jobs in December and Jerome Powell seeming to retreat to a view of monetary policy much closer to that of Donald Trump and CNBC’s Jim Cramer, it only highlighted the irrelevancy of the shutdown.

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15 Comments on Carney: Friday’s Rally Shows No One Cares About the Shutdown

  1. Except for the entire National Forest Service, the Coast Guard, anybody waiting on an FHA guaranteed loan. I’m all in for the shutdown. Personally I don’t think this is about the wall. Trump has other ways around the Libtard Socialist. This is about tone and tenor for the next two years. Brilliant really. But to say this isn’t hurting people and nobody cares is ignorant.

  2. As far as I’m concerned they can shut down some more of it. Maybe they could shut a little more each day until the Commiecrats scream “Uncle”. If they whittle away a little each day maybe we could end up with a government that is just the right size.

  3. “What if you shut down the FedGov and NOBODY noticed?”

    President Trump put em in a trick:
    Americans or Illegal-Alien Invaders?
    Protect America or Let America be Swamped?
    Gov’t Workers or Non-Essential Personnel?
    (why are we paying for Non-Essential Personnel? If they’re Non-Essential, then they’re not necessary for the continuance of the relevant functioning of the Gov’t – so why not free their labor for productive use in the REAL economy?)

    The Demonrats, in their feverish TDS, fell into it – just as the Republicans fell into the one laid by Billy Clinton back in 95/96.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Part of it being out of people’s minds is unlike Obozo Trump is doing everything to make this as painless as possible. No national parks just open to illegals, no production of making sure Americans suffer needlessly. Still waiting for Nancy to roll him. Maybe her ugly daughter meant troll him. First time a republican has stood firm and look at the results.

  5. While I love a good movie plot, I have to disagree the only leading characters are Pelosi and Schumer.
    No, we must give equal credit to Mitch and the Rino’s for failing to use the Reid Nuclear option, ensuring they’re safe for the next 2 years, leaving Trump to fight alone.

  6. The reason they want to get the government open so badly, is because they don’t want the hoi polloi to realize that the government doesn’t do anything for them. But the government shutdown doesn’t affect the middle class, the lower class, or the upper class it affects government employees. It saves money for the rest of us. The idea that they have put across for years that government shutdown will produce horrifying things for the American people is just kabuki horror theater. It’s fake.
    For the majority of the American government shutdown has little to zero effect on their day-to-day lives. Regardless of what the wizard behind the curtain would have you believe.

  7. None of these Fed employees has missed a paycheck yet; it’s the next paycheck that will be missed. So any sob stories to this point are contrived. In full disclosure I am a Fed employee who is working during this shutdown.

  8. Like all the other ‘shutdowns’, this one will end and the government employees will collect back pay. This is just a paid furlough so they can not work at home instead of not working at work.

  9. I think, and I maybe wrong, that if Trump does it through an emergency decree, that will end the shutdown, and people can go back to work (if it be called work).

    If that’s true, then doing it as an emergency maybe the best way forward.

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