Carpet Doctors – IOTW Report

Carpet Doctors

A 60-year-old Persian carpet gets its first cleaning in 50 years. As you watch you’ll find yourself wondering how do you get a carpet that dirty? Was this one hanging or on the floor? And what exactly are they getting out of that rug? What’s in my own carpets and are these guys are available for house calls?

Any guesses on what that carpet is made out of to hold up under this vigorous of a cleaning, it can’t be Kevlar.

The description suggests that watching a carpet get cleaned for 18 minutes is a soothing and tranquil experience. Judge for yourself. Watch

22 Comments on Carpet Doctors

  1. Most oriental/persian carpets are made entirely of wool. There are some made partially or totally from silk. The silk ones are beautiful and quite expensive. Both materials are surprisingly durable.

    It’s a remarkable marketing success that rug merchants get away with calling them “Persian” given that Persia is now Iran. Would you want to buy an Iranian carpet?

  2. I’ve been to rug factories in Egypt, Pakistan and India where I’ve seen silk rugs being made. Even at local prices, I could never afford to buy one, and if I paid the prices they go for, I’d damn sure never walk on it if I had one! True works of art.

  3. My dad had a cleaning business in the sixties and seventies, he did carpets, upholstery, walls, also janitorial and any other jobs he could find. I was shanghaied as free labor for years. You could never use that much water on wall to wall carpeting, it would never dry out and get mildewed. Dad used dry foam for carpets, it would dry in an afternoon. Later when I turned 16 he employed me as janitor at an office building early evenings, for which I did get paid. Sometimes he would get a big job and I would go into town and recruit my friends as day labor. I think about half the kids in town worked for him at one time or another. The smoke damage jobs were the worst, it would take two or three showers to get the smoke smell off.

  4. Amazing! Watching that cleaning is like revealing a mystery. What does the carpet really look like? After sixty years, it’s still beautiful and incredibly durable. Motivated more by curiosity than entertainment.

  5. All the dirt coming off that thing is enough to send me to psychotherapy. Beautiful carpet, but the amount of dirt revealed shows why the wife and I have only bought homes with 100% hardwood floors or tile for the past 25 years. Wall to wall carpeting means breathing in all that crap over the years. Horrible.

  6. A lot of countries don’t have the strict air quality standards that we’re use to in The United States. That or a lot of smoking going on in a very tight room.

    I was amazed at how intense the washing was but yet the material and the colors held. I was assuming it was silk, but the close ups seemed like wool.

    The content provider has a whole channel of them cleaning carpets for those who want more soothing and satisfying.

  7. Hung in the kitchen with cooks smoking Marlboros frying up falafel for hald a century…

    Back when I was about 19 or 20 I repaired TVs. An old lady brought in her 12″ TV for repair. Before I would work on it I had to clean it as it had about an eighth inch of nicotine on every surface. The damn thing was sticky! Anyway I cleaned it up, fixed it and it looked like new. When she came in to get it I got accused of stealing her TV – “That’s not my TV! My TV was gold, not white!”


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