Cars Get Better Gas Mileage – So Leftists Want To Tax How Far You Drive Instead – IOTW Report

Cars Get Better Gas Mileage – So Leftists Want To Tax How Far You Drive Instead

Leftists demanded cars get better gas mileage to save the planet.

Technology complied.

Leftists are disappointed that cars are getting better gas mileage, so they want to tax how far you drive.

You see, it never ends with leftists, and drawn out to its logical conclusion, leftists are just angling to take control of your money, which is your life.

My Northwest-

The Washington State Transportation Commission is rolling out its plans to tax drivers for the miles they drive, instead of at the pump, with a pilot project set to start in less than a year.

Oregon’s volunteer pilot project began this year. About 1,200 people voluntarily enrolled in the pilot.

The reason for this plan is simple: Today’s vehicles are more fuel efficient, they get better mile-per-gallon, and therefore they pay less in gas tax. That means gas taxes aren’t paying for transportation projects like they used to.

Michelle Godfrey with the Oregon Department of Transportation says the program was surprisingly popular.

“It is a tax program, so expecting people to volunteer to pay a tax can be challenging,” she said. “But we were excited to get more than 1,200 vehicles enrolled in our first year. People can come and go as they please.”

Some people did choose to part ways with the program. Godfrey says some participants chose to “move on” after the year was up.

But those that are using the plan say they like it.

“When we surveyed our volunteers, we asked how satisfied with the program,” she explained. “Better than 85 percent say they are satisfied or very satisfied with the program, so that is very encouraging.”

In the Oregon plan, drivers get a plug-in for their car. There is a GPS option and a non-GPS option, and they get a monthly bill.

“They get a credit for all the gas tax they pay at the pump and instead elect to pay the road charge which you’ll see the gallons of gas consumed and gas tax paid at the pump and the road charge. And you take the difference and that is what they pay or receive credit for.”

The tax is 1.5 cents per mile. It would be a similar tax under Washington’s pilot project.


ht/ illustr8r


25 Comments on Cars Get Better Gas Mileage – So Leftists Want To Tax How Far You Drive Instead

  1. Why don’t they quit dicking around and go ahead and tax the air we breathe. You know it’s coming – let’s just get it over with now.

    P.S. – The penalty for non-payment of the tax will be breath-taking.

  2. Only a leftist could conceive of such an idiotic scheme. Fuel taxes hit everyone who uses the roads. How do the geniuses in WA and OR plan to get taxes from out-of-staters who use their roads? I think this is more about control tha revenue, otherwise they would just raise the fuel tax.

  3. They’ll figure out some reason to keep the at the pump gas tax while making everyone pay by the mile. No tax ever goes away. Next, they’ll whine the too many people are riding their utopian light rail and so fees for that will go up and so will the gas taxes. I’d imagine that my some of my property taxes, sales tax and obviously the gas tax goes for roads and bridges-so tell me how I didn’t build that?

    When will they tax bikes and bike lanes?!?

  4. Brad,

    They did think of this first.

    Remember when Barbara Boxer complained that cars get such good gas mileage now that they’d have to raise the gas tax because California wasn’t making enough cash on the tax added to every gallon?

    It doesn’t even matter that the manufacturing process of electric cars pollute the planet 8 times faster than gas-powered vehicles do in 1 year.

  5. Oregon gas tax is 50 cents per gallon total, after adding in fed tax.

    Versus 1.5 cents per mile. Divide one into the other (50 / 1.5), you get 33.3 miles per gallon.

    Since you pay or receive credit for the difference, the MPG your car gets with this program is irrelevant. You are paying as if your car gets 33.3 MPG. Period.

  6. On a lighter note, yesterday I saw where a Volt driver’s new car was hit in a parking lot.
    I he horror of that is he might have to rent a gasoline car while his Volt is repaired.

  7. The 2018 Honda Accord will eliminate the V6 in favor of a 4 turbo. Also going mostly to CVT crap transmissions and eliminating the coupe. My V6 2013 Accord with cylinder management system gets better MPG than most 4 cylinder cars as it kicks down to 3 when at a steady highway speed. Also, a real 6 speed automatic with paddle shifters sport mode beats he crap out of those slippy slide CVTs.

    Of course, those of us with a GPS navigation system do have a built in mileage tracker.
    I avoid all toll roads so it would be a real pain to be charged mileage tax.

  8. Eventually, the mileage tax will need to increase, so more and more people will carpool to work, and the leviathan will bitch because not enough people are driving, so they will then start the carpool pilot program where they tax the seat in your vehicle that is occupied, an on and on and on….

  9. Ass holes who think this shit up ride bicycles, take the bus, or drive around in government owned cars using gasoline provided by taxpayers. If the government needs more tax revenue, heavily tax bicycles, do away with government subsidies of buses, drastically raise ticket prices, and do away with free gasoline for entitled government bureaucrats.


    If you don’t drive your car very much, you’ll pay a yearly fee.

    If you don’t own a car, they’ll tax your house.

    Eventually, they will just tax you if you even exist.

    They don’t care about saving the planet at all. They are all addicted to oil revenue.

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