Cartels Help Terrorists In Mexico Get To U.S. To Explore Targets – IOTW Report

Cartels Help Terrorists In Mexico Get To U.S. To Explore Targets

BlazingCatFur: Mexican drug traffickers help Islamic terrorists stationed in Mexico cross into the United States to explore targets for future attacks, according to information forwarded to Judicial Watch by a high-ranking Homeland Security official in a border state. Among the jihadists that travel back and forth through the porous southern border is a Kuwaiti named Shaykh Mahmood Omar Khabir, an ISIS operative who lives in the Mexican state of Chihuahua not far from El Paso, Texas.

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10 Comments on Cartels Help Terrorists In Mexico Get To U.S. To Explore Targets

  1. Mexico is a failed narco-state whose people have been fleeing and illegally entering our country. Not only do we need a wall lined with guards armed with 50 cal. machine guns, we should seriously consider liberating Mexico from its current failed and corrupt government. Our national security is at stake.

  2. I am all for the wall and deporting the 50 + million criminal invaders immediately but that still doesn’t go far enough! Mexico, and some other dirtbag countries, owe us hundreds of billions of dollars for the personal treasure we have all been coerced into spending on their illegal alien citizens for the last 40 years!

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