Carter Page asks to speak at sentencing hearing for ex-FBI lawyer in Russia collusion probe – IOTW Report

Carter Page asks to speak at sentencing hearing for ex-FBI lawyer in Russia collusion probe

Just the News: Carter Page is asking a federal court for permission to speak as a victim at the sentencing hearing this week for the ex-FBI lawyer who falsified an email during the agency’s Russia collusion probe to justify surveillance of the 2016 Trump campaign aide.

Page submitted the petition on Sunday, according to The Washington Times.


The former FBI lawyer, Kevin Clinesmith, is set to be sentenced Thursday in a federal court in Washington. read more

5 Comments on Carter Page asks to speak at sentencing hearing for ex-FBI lawyer in Russia collusion probe

  1. 99 times out of a 100 I am disappointed when high profile (?) defendants get sentenced, I suspect it will continue. The judge can give this turd 5 years but I can just see the judge going ,”We just witnessed the crime of the century, government sanctioned spying on an incoming duly elected President and his staff, and all you give me is a low level functionary falsifying a document? Why bother, I got a golf game waiting see ya”.

  2. 6 months in Club Fed Florida for “members only” of the Washington elite on condition he keeps his mouth shut. Then a multi-million dollar gig at some Democrat friendly corporation. The elite take care of their own.

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