Carville: Dems Face an Uphill Battle if They Want to Win Back the Senate in 2018 – IOTW Report

Carville: Dems Face an Uphill Battle if They Want to Win Back the Senate in 2018

Breitbart: Democratic operative James Carville said Saturday that Democrats face an uphill battle if they want to win back the Senate in 2018.

“I think right now most Democrats are trying to focus on the 2018 elections and trying to recruit people and keep incumbents, and you know I would say we have a pretty good chance of taking the House back. The Senate is very, very difficult,” Carville told John Catsimatidis on AM 970 in New York.

“The problem in the Senate is we have a large number of seats we have to hold in states that Donald Trump carried. Indiana, Missouri, you know, places like that we have to hold seats,” Carville added.  more

10 Comments on Carville: Dems Face an Uphill Battle if They Want to Win Back the Senate in 2018

  1. The problem with “holding seats” is that Barney Frank isn’t in the senate anymore. No one could hold a seat like Barney.
    How about that shirt Carville is sporting? As if we needed further proof of how ugly feminists are.

  2. Now I’m sad!
    The Demonrats as Sisyphus … who woulda thunk it?

    Not to worry! With the Republicans morphed into Mensheviks their (the Bolshevik/Demonrat) agenda moves forward … albeit at a slower pace … but forward, nonetheless.

    izlamo delenda est …

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