Case of Car Found Upside Down Under Cliff With 5 Dead Tells Tale of SJW Mothers Who May Have Abused Their Children – IOTW Report

Case of Car Found Upside Down Under Cliff With 5 Dead Tells Tale of SJW Mothers Who May Have Abused Their Children

I saw the story 2 days ago about a car that was found upside down under a cliff with the parents dead and 3 kids thrown from the vehicle, also dead.

It was along Pacific Coast Highway and it looked to investigators that the SUV’s driver miscalculated the amount of space at the overlook and simply drove over the edge. There was no indication of braking or stopping. It simply drove over the edge.

Yesterday I read that there were actually 6 kids in the vehicle but 3 of them haven’t been found. Investigators are presuming they were in the car but were maybe swept out to sea.

Now, today, we learn that Child Protective Services recently visited with the couple, two lesbians named Sarah and Jennifer Hart from Woodland, Washington, just outside of Portland, Oregon.

You’ll recognize the kid with the hat.

HT/ Cynic


The Washington State Department of Social and Health Services had opened an investigation after the children were “identified as potential victims of alleged abuse or neglect,” Oregon Live reported, citing the Cowlitz County Sheriff’s Office. Bruce and Dana DeKalb, the next-door neighbors of the Harts in Woodland, told The Associated Press they called child services on Friday because they thought Devonte was going hungry. They said he had been coming over to their house too often in the past week asking for food.

Friends and relatives said the married couple, Jennifer and Sarah, were loving, inspiring parents who promoted social justice and exposed their “remarkable children” to art, music and nature. They were often seen at festivals, events and rallies such as one for Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and the 2014 protest against police violence that gained them nationwide attention when Devonte was photographed hugging a police officer. They often went as a group wearing matching T-shirts.


Other times, however, neighbors painted a less blissful picture of the family, describing moments when the adopted children would go knocking on their doors for food.

“Something just didn’t seem right. They were very isolated in the home,” Bill Groener, who used to live next to the family in West Linn, Ore., told Oregon Live.

Groener said he felt “guilty he never called [children’s] services.” He recalled how the parents kept the children indoors and only saw them when they came to get the mail. Groener said there were positives such as the children going on camping trips and eating healthy, that counteracted “the feeling that something maybe wasn’t quite right.”

The Dekalbs also recounted in August 2017 one of the girls rang their doorbell at 1:30 a.m. asking for protection.

“[She] was at our door in a blanket saying we needed to protect her,” Bruce DeKalb said. “She said that they were abusing her. It haunted my wife since that day.”

In 2011, Sarah Hart pleaded guilty to a domestic assault charge in Minnesota. Her 6-year-old daughter had told her teacher, “Mom hit me” when she went to school with bruises on her stomach and back, according to Oregon Live.

“We have no evidence and no reason to believe that this was an intentional act,” Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman said on Wednesday.

However, he admitted the scene of the crash was confusing because “there were no skid marks, there were no brake marks” at the roadside turnout where the vehicle went over.



39 Comments on Case of Car Found Upside Down Under Cliff With 5 Dead Tells Tale of SJW Mothers Who May Have Abused Their Children

  1. So the state will show up if you are reported for not making your kid’s next dental cleaning but the same state allows a couple of lesbians to adopt 5-6 children?! And if remote neighbors knew something wasn’t quite right I’m sure many more saw the same signs. Gives a lot more insight into what that poor child’s expression was really about (save me).

  2. The neighbors never said anything because who, in this day and age, wants to suffer the wrath of the LGBT NAZIS that will try and destroy you for doing what is righteous?

    Tough luck kids, you lost the adoption lottery by getting adopted by lunatics.

  3. Jennifer Hart on FB: “Contrary to the common notion that we can’t choose our family, we absolutely can. We choose by loving – and that’s worth celebrating every damn day.”

    She said, as she was gritting her teeth. Honestly? Who uses the phrase “every damn day” unless they don’t actually see it as an enormous struggle? Hey, it is a struggle most days — but that’s not how it reads. Looks like this woman’s SJW halo was driving her choices; not a heartfelt commission.

  4. This story is going to get a lot worse before it all comes out.

    While living in Oregon this outfit was visited on a regular basis by law enforcement and social services. A friend/acquaintance of mine works in an auxillary capacity for Clackamas Co Sheriff, while not a commissioned LEO they have daily interactions with the men and women who have been involved with this crew.

    There was a “conspiracy of silence” surrounding the goings on. If you value your career you do not mention, discuss, or acknowledge anything that might cast aspersion on…. Let’s just say it was made known that the two adults here had “friends in high places.”

    The Oregonian is in full coverup mode, they have disabled comments to prevent individuals from disclosing what the powers that be don’t want the public to know.

  5. Hwy 1 is a dangerous road with lots of hairpin turns. It’s one of the most beautiful drives in California. I suppose if you really wanted to off yourself, that would be the place to do it as many of those pull off places don’t have any guard rails. Pedal to the metal and off you go.

    “How in the hell can phucked up same sex couples be allowed to adopt children? It boggles my mind.”

    Good reason why they shouldn’t be allowed to adopt children, they are screwed up in the head. Even Rosie O’Donnel has a screwed up kid she adopted.

  6. There’s an additional reason not to call govt social or child protective services agencies, although if it was well known that these two deviant women had “friends in high places” as JDHasty tells us it may not be a factor.

    That reason is that govt agencies of the “child protective services” ilk are notorious for treating children badly because they’re seen as commodities and sources of money. We’ve all read, I’m sure, of horrible things that have happened to children removed from their homes and placed in foster care. It is reasonable and rational from someone to ask himself whether the suspected abuse at the current home is not as bad as the risk of abuse if the kids are seized and relocated.

  7. This sounds eerily similar to the story about the 13 kids kept hungry and captive.
    The parents had had multiple weird Elvis weddings.
    Turned out he had kidnapped the wacky wife?
    Turpin !
    What the hell is in the west water?

  8. Yep, what neighbour would want to go up against 2 lesbians with a 6 colour crayon box fulla adopted kids?
    Those would just be the headlines.
    Margret Sanger would be proud.

  9. JDHasty — On your comment about the kids being part of their schtick: We knew a progtard woman whose adopted two black children (she was white) as a single woman. Later she started keeping house with a guy who was deaf. She never missed an opportunity to slide these facts into any every conversation. It was embarrassing virtue signalling. These people really are nothing until they can take up some kind of so-called “virtuous” cause. I wish I knew what drives them to do it. Then we might find a cure for it.

  10. Fed up with journalistic malpractice. How do you have an entire article about what the neighbors said without also investigating and thus reporting on what their relatives, friends, classmates, and teachers thought?

    I’m curious why Davonte is rigidly clenching his left fist in the family photo. Click thru to the Fox article to see what I mean.

    Devonte has now made me weep twice. Bless his poor soul along with his siblings.

  11. Why did these two demented dykes have such pull with the politicians and media? Because they great underbelly of the sick world of child adoption is that the kids are used as sex toys for the scumbag politicians and reporters. Its our version of the Muslime Grooming Gangs in England. The deviant dykes provided those kids to be raped at leisure by the homos and dykes that protected them. And in return, the mentally ill dykes got to play house and pretend to be normal.

  12. Here’s the money quote: “We know that an entire family vanished and perished during this tragedy,” Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman said Wednesday as he appealed for help retracing where the family had been.

    Washington/Oregon officials have knowledge of what was going down, the Oregonian is the largest news source in SW Washington & Oregon and they have collectively been trying to figure out how to spin this event. Remember this, early on they announced that the entire family had bit the dust, then once they realized that they were not going to be able to keep certain information hidden from the public, that is when they came back with the three children & two adults have been found, the other children are missing.

  13. “That kid hugging the policeman looked scared.”

    I thought the same thing too, Moe Tom. I don’t think he was afraid of any protest, he may have said something to the cop but he didn’t catch it for all the noise. Horrible.

  14. This was disgusting two women adopted kids for the money only.. the neighbor call social worker to tell them no food etc social workers didn’t do shit. Sorry to be a cold person but I don’t believe in this life style of two women eating each other pussy or two men’s taking each other ass . Not to be Bolger but I don’t believe in this shit and don’t want people pushing this shit on me.

  15. Oregon is a sinister State where it concerns child welfare/abuse in the system. An Oregon couple fighting the criminal system were treated as criminals themselves because of it. Will and Pamela Gaston went to court, had their home demolished, and were arrested for confronting State/County officials and law enforcement. Will’s little, biological daughter was kidnapped by CPS out of his front yard. She was placed in foster care where she was sexually abused. The pedophile network sent the girl out of the state to Mexico where she disappeared.

    The women in the car fall could very well have been drugged out and not capable of maneuvering the car. Even marijuana affects judgment and perception. Making it legal to use does not alter the effects. A doctor recently was quoted in the newspaper saying that the marijuana of today has been refined to be more potent. It’s not like grandpa’s used to be as a hippie. Pacific Coast HWY is not a place to be careless.

  16. Canada, Davy Jones locker, an ISIS town square. I’ve got no preference where you go. If you’ve got one, maybe you’d like to exercise it before somebody else chooses for you. And, no, not me. But, if you’re dreaming that I’ll be your first, last, or somewhere in the middle, line of defense against somebody else choosing for you, let me repeat, no, not me.

  17. Remarkable horror stories you all recount….

    And BFH intones: “Tough luck kids, you lost the adoption lottery by getting adopted by lunatics.”

    No, Fur, these poor sorry vulnerable children lost the lottery by being *born.* At least the suffering they were forced to endure by the “Every-Fetus-Must-Exit-The-Birth-Canal” crowd was not prolonged; they died young.

    You folk do more harm than good.

    Babies should be born to people who love and care for them. That is all.

    The rest is just sad, unthinking fantasy — and the ones who lose are the vulnerable, tortured children. ….Lady in Red

  18. After reading the article, it sounds like maybe they knew the shit was about to hit the fan on the child welfare investigations and they took the coward’s way out. That shows you how little they cared about those kids. The kids were just there to show the world how fabulous and enlightened the women were. Once the jig was up, the little props were useless and might as well die with them because obviously they had no other value, like as human beings.

    I don’t know if the women were drugged when they went off the cliff, but I bet those kids were.

  19. Adopting one kid costs a fortune, how did these two wackos afford so many.
    Not to mention they would be looked into at home by 3 government agency’s for mouths each before adoption times six kids? And not one red flag? Something stinks here. They got a pass for sure.
    This was not a mistake, this was intentions.

  20. Toenex, pretty sure they made out just fine in adopting 6 wards of the state.
    Those feel good femnazies were more than glad to turn over the reigns, and all the money, of 6 little brown children to 2 nut bags.

  21. The gig is up, yahoo now basically admits what local LEO here in Washington and Oregon already knew even before the vehicle was located.

    “I can tell you it was a very confusing scene because there were no skid marks, there were no brake marks, there was no indication of why this vehicle traversed approximately over 75ft of a dirt pull out and went into the Pacific ocean,” Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman said on Wednesday. “If this was an intentional act, I truly believe we are going to come to that conclusion.”

    So yes the kids were abused and it will come out that they were deliberately murdered

  22. What that 500 mile drove from their home in WA to Mendocino must have been like.

    tRuth, I had never heard of the Will and Pamela Gaston case, and the bits I have read sounds awful. Is there any resource that ties all the details together?

  23. “No, Fur, these poor sorry vulnerable children lost the lottery by being *born.* At least the suffering they were forced to endure by the “Every-Fetus-Must-Exit-The-Birth-Canal” crowd was not prolonged; they died young.”

    Is this ironic sarcasm?

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