Case of Woman Who Says She Was Raped on a Nightclub Dance Floor is Getting Stranger – IOTW Report

Case of Woman Who Says She Was Raped on a Nightclub Dance Floor is Getting Stranger

#MeToo and #JusticeForJasmine has been in full voice on social media and the streets of Atlanta.

A woman live-streamed her rape in a club in Atlanta (The Opera.) She claims she was drugged and so incapacitated that she was taken advantage of right in full view.

In the video she is seen acting very groggy as a man gropes her from behind. There is a point where it starts to look like something is going on, there appears to be some movement suggesting some thrusting. She begins to, quietly, yell for help. Her eyes are closed. Meanwhile, she never lets go of her iPhone and captures everything.

It’s bizarre. But who am I to question a woman who says she is being raped.

The perpetrator has been named, but not arrested because I don’t think the woman has pressed charges. Meanwhile, her #MeToo supporters are screaming for justice. But who are they yelling at?

The accused is saying that the woman did this to get back at her estranged husband.

She put on social media that she was on the prowl for any guy. At the same club she participated in a twerking contest where she was completely bottomless.

Oh, and she has a Pornhub channel where she does explicit porn with her husband.

Tommy Sotomayor covers the story HERE.

14 Comments on Case of Woman Who Says She Was Raped on a Nightclub Dance Floor is Getting Stranger

  1. All my sympathy goes to a woman who participates in a bottomless twerking contest (is that a thing?)

    Sometimes you don’t consider how long people can go. I won’t be as hard on some of my relatives for a while.

  2. Never understood that Twerking thing. It’s like if you want it, hold that thing still. Not to mention the safety aspects. It would be easy to accidentally turn that experience into a shitty deal.

  3. So you’re raped on a danced floor because you’re too high/drugged to run away or grab a person on the floor and say I’m being raped, but you’re not too drugged to live stream it? This is up there with one of the craziest stories I’ve read in awhile.

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