A very clever video has a group of usual suspects coming in to do a “gun-control” video. Their cold readings hit them like cold water.
The facts about guns are seemingly revealed to them for the first time in their lives. It made several of them rethink, or better yet, think about facts and statistics before forming the “correct”position on guns.
Nice that they could find some who didn’t stick their fingers in their ears, cover their eyes and SCREAM!
Is that a guy?
Just another reason to shut down the leftist lying lamestream media.
The truth hurts.
Fantastic way to get the facts out there and open eyes.
If this clip could get widely circulated out to the public half as fast as the lies about guns we may get somewhere, but too many want it suppressed.
Goofs! The facts are available to anyone, they’re printed non-racially, in black and white! Never allow someone the ability to spoon feed you facts! In over 30 years of ownership, aside from pinching myself while assembling/disassembling them, my guns have never hurt anyone.
This is funny. And also embarrassing.http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/03/24/d-c-march-for-our-lives-in-21-photos/
Sick socialist people.http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/03/24/march-for-our-lives-d-c-unfolds-as-anti-trump-anti-gun-get-out-the-liberal-vote-rally/
The young kid who said he had just blindly chosen a side was most honest. That is probably what most of these anti gunners do.