Castro Out – Pipe dream of being president has ended – IOTW Report

Castro Out – Pipe dream of being president has ended


Longshot Democrat presidential candidate Julián Castro ended his flailing White House campaign on Thursday after struggling to achieve a breakthrough in the polls in a crowded Democrat primary field.

“Today, it’s with a heavy heart and profound gratitude that I will suspend my campaign for president,” Castro said in a video statement shared to Twitter, adding it “simply isn’t our time” to clinch the Democrat nomination. “I’m so proud of everything we’ve accomplished together. I’m going to keep fighting for an America where everyone counts—I hope you’ll join me in that fight,” he added.

Castro, the sole Latino to mount a bid for the White House this cycle, was hampered for months by poor fundraising, and failed to qualify for the most recent Democrat presidential primary debate in Los Angeles, California. While he ran an overtly progressive campaign, championing far-left positions on issues such as immigration, his candidacy was often overshadowed by rivals like former Rep. Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke (D-TX) and former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor, Pete Buttigieg (D).


20 Comments on Castro Out – Pipe dream of being president has ended

  1. I’m not really interested in any of them till the voting starts to select the final candidate.

    And the I’m only interested to see who will run against Trump and what arguments and issues they have used will appeal to the Democrats most, not because I would ever think of voting for one of them or expect them (at least any of the current ones) to win the election.

  2. Never mind his policies.

    Democrats believe conservatives are all ignorant and uneducated.
    If this is true, then they would also believe that many swing voters would not be smart enough to distinguish between Fidel Castro and this Castro.
    Therefore, running with that last name, although not related, would be the second stupidest thing they could possibly do.
    The most stupid thing would be a candidate with the last name of Hitler.
    All of the candidates that the Demos have put forward are there just to look like a real & diverse race before they super delegate Mr. Sniff the nomination.


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