Castro To Get New American Tractor Manufacturer – IOTW Report

Castro To Get New American Tractor Manufacturer

The Treasury Department has granted permission for Horace Clemmons and Saul Berenthal to invest in and build tractors in Cuba.


They expect to be rolling the first of the lightweight, low-power tractors off the assembly line by early next year. Cubans officials are reportedly ecstatic at the opportunity to confiscate the property of Americans.


Video of Oggún Tractors



22 Comments on Castro To Get New American Tractor Manufacturer

  1. It looks like they want to get full production going in Cuba and sell the things through the 3rd world South of the border.

    Maybe more citizens of the Spanish speaking nations will stay home and quite risking their lives trying to get here.

  2. Looks like garbage. And of course it’s painted red.

    How much are American taxpayers going to be on the hook for after the Fidel gang sucks all the Obama dollars out of the company?

  3. When I was an undergrad at Ohio State in the late 90s, I had a class with a fellow from an African country (I don’t remember which one) who told me that he was here to learn as much as he could about American agriculture so he could take that knowledge back to improve his country. He said that his dream was to import American tractors. It made me proud to be American (like lots of things) but he was so sincere and determined…I hope he was able to accomplish what he wanted. The same with these guys. Someday, soon hopefully, the Castros will be dead and Cuba will change dramatically. American entrepreneurs need to be ready for this. We will have a chance to better the lives of millions throughout Central and South America. They deserve it, and yes, maybe they will finally stay home!

  4. Willie is right, AC made this years ago and I’ve even seen JD and IH examples look equally as pathetic, however surprisingly useful.

    There’s actually a big difference between a garden tractor and a lawn tractor. This contraption is on par or better than a garden tractor, it even has a 20-30HP Kohler twin, just like a garden tractor. I’m cool with steel tubes over stamped steel so long as the job gets done, if it’s cheaper, that’s more money in my pocket.

  5. I did a little research, and just for future reference:

    Tuff Bilt Tractor Systems still make clones of the Allis Chalmers model G in Alabama, and some implements, too – $10k or so – plus implements. I wonder how much the Cuban version will cost.

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