Oprah Could Replace Alexander Hamilton on the $10 Bill
IS: Currently, Alexander Hamilton’s face appears on the ten dollar bill. However, there is a movement to replace his face, well, not exactly replace him, but to “scootch him over” [Read More]
IS: Currently, Alexander Hamilton’s face appears on the ten dollar bill. However, there is a movement to replace his face, well, not exactly replace him, but to “scootch him over” [Read More]
Amazing Hidden Ball Trick! Apparently it’s about baseball. (Technically, this is not a hidden ball trick, but it’s still fun to watch. I like gadget plays.)
This is a well done series, much like the types of picture books one read in school about the lives of historical figures, only this one is brutal in its [Read More]
Heinz was so cheap that when they arranged for an online promotion for its customers (design your own label) they only reserved the domain name for a short period of time, [Read More]
Here’s iOwnTheWorld from 6 years ago this very month. You’ll note that we often made only one post a day, sometimes only every other day. Click the image to go [Read More]
The man had his arm wrapped in a towel and tried to flag down the police in LA. They pulled over and ordered the man to drop his gun. He [Read More]
Corona, continually ranking in taste tests as an inferior beer, is expanding their growth. In fact, there are Corona shortages throughout the country. They are even planning on rolling out [Read More]
Montel Williams has been an outspoken, and incoherent, adversary/critic of Pamela Geller. His latest tweet is plain silly and makes absolutely no point whatsoever. MEDIA ALERT: Upon return from a trip [Read More]
Campus Reform- A male student accused of sexual assault and subsequently expelled by administrators at Amherst College recently sued the school for denying him due process and ignoring key evidence substantiating [Read More]
The first four year BA Degree in Comedic Arts will be offered by Emerson College of Boston in 2016. The program is being described as very “hands on.” “If you want [Read More]
The government seems to be “anti-science.” Female to male are not required to register. Why not? They’re males, no? Male to female are required to register. Why? They’re females, no? [Read More]
If the confederate flag is hatred because it animated one guy to murder then why isn't the the Koran a symbol of hatred too? — el ¡Soopèr! ن (@SooperMexican) June [Read More]
The article from Salon on the Blood Mirror (See Blood Mirror Part I) declared that if the FDA lifted its restraint on gay men donating blood, then it “could save [Read More]
Springer’sBlog- When 4 Americans murdered in Benghazi were repatriated at Andrews Air Force Base, the Secretary of State looked right into the faces of the grieving families and lied, telling [Read More]
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