Catherine Herridge, now at CBS, devastates ‘Whistleblower’s’ legitimacy – IOTW Report

Catherine Herridge, now at CBS, devastates ‘Whistleblower’s’ legitimacy

American Thinker: Moving from Fox News to CBS has not diminished the immense value of Catherine Herridge’s work.  If anything, the move has increased the number of Americans gaining access to insightful work that questions the MSM’s phony and biased narratives.  Nick Arama of RedState calls our attention to a tweet of hers yesterday that “highlights the fundamental problem with [the] whistleblower’s story with just one pic”:

In the CBS article linked in the tweet, she notes that long after filing a whistleblower complaint that failed to disclose prior contacts with the staff of Adam Schiff — probably a matter of lying in a sworn statement, and therefore criminal conduct — the still unnamed (in the MSM but widely believed to be Eric Ciaramella) whistleblower: more

11 Comments on Catherine Herridge, now at CBS, devastates ‘Whistleblower’s’ legitimacy

  1. A fine example of how to work around procedures designed to do things right and fairly. Ignore them, because no one worries enforcement of the guidelines, there is none!! The US Government at its best.

  2. It won’t be long before Ms Herridge is writing articles about dog shows, since she’s already writing about dog and pony shows.

    CBS won’t take this for long – they’ll either beat her down or fire her…maybe even some criminal “hate crime” charges for something she says in the newsroom. Either way, she’s got to go.

    You’re swimming with sharks, Cathy – and they’re out for blood.

  3. How nice to see a reporter actually reporting
    accurate information and evidence.
    She will have to go free-lance soon as the MSM
    will not tolerate truth and that includes FOX
    joining those miscreants more every day.

  4. With Fox News moving further Left, this would be an excellent

    opportunity for someone to fill the void. You’d think CBS’s

    Shareholders would want to actually make $$ and encourage actual


  5. @AmySJohnson – Let me guess. Proof reading is not the wonder job you do now. Your note is a lot like the emails I get that warn me that my credit cards or online accounts have had fraudulent activity.

  6. Maybe CBS is reading the handwriting on the wall and starting to back off it’s full support for Schiff and this impeachment cartoon. Hiring Catherine maybe is the first step in an about face.

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