Catherine Herridge Predicts a “Black Swan” Event in 2024 – IOTW Report

Catherine Herridge Predicts a “Black Swan” Event in 2024

Red State

CBS News recently held a roundtable event that included predictions for 2024, and Catherine Herridge, the network’s senior investigative correspondent, didn’t pump out any rainbows and unicorns. Instead, she predicted a “black swan” event that could leave the United States in a very different place than it is today. More

According to Britanica a “Black swan event, high-impact event that is difficult to predict under normal circumstances but that in retrospect appears to have been inevitable. A black swan event is unexpected and therefore difficult to prepare for but is often rationalized with the benefit of hindsight as having been unavoidable.”

22 Comments on Catherine Herridge Predicts a “Black Swan” Event in 2024

  1. Big Mike?

    Just kidding. Pick one or more of the following. Financial collapse. Civil War. CBDC. Seizure of retirement accounts? Bank bail-ins? Assassinations? Hmm, better add Big Mike.

  2. With the insane world we have today, it would not surprise me to see us oppose an adversary, like China, Russia, or Iran in one area of the world and supporting them in a different area or war theatre.

    Say Russia and China got into a border war in 2024 because the Aggressive Red Dragon decided to re-open old wounds from the 1937 Chinese-USSR border war, which the USSR won decisively, and try to redress the settlement. We could support Russia there against China while opposing it in Ukraine.

    It takes 1984-ish Double-think to consider it a possibility. But….we live in really crazy times.

  3. It’s the invaders. They will weaponize them before next October. Is all they need to do is cut off their food a shelter. And then they’re coming for yours. Martial Law, suspended election. Indefinitely. 80% OF what’s coming across that border are military aged men. Why do you think that is. And don’t forget the terrorists and the Chinese Military.

  4. Purely a distraction so we won’t focus on the deluge of evidence being exposed proving the Biden crime Family is corrupt to the core and has been for a long time. Oh, look. A squirrel! As always, the MSM is in on the deception.

  5. The cia/deep state was behind 9/11 so that they could get all the spy hardware that they wanted to spy on Muslims and then they promptly started using it on conservative Americans. I’m sure that they are planning something big to get absolute control. And those dick heads in Washington will vote to give them all the power that want. They will say that it has to be done to save “democracy”.

  6. “Someone has advance notification.”

    That could be. She was a foreign war correspondent for a long time. Think dessert storm. The brass loved her. She left for a while. Breast Cancer. On her return they threw her a big ass party. They trust her. For good reason. She never gives up her sources.

  7. ” … A black swan event is unexpected and therefore difficult to prepare for but is often rationalized with the benefit of hindsight as having been unavoidable.”

    you mean like Lee Harvey Oswald? or Timothy McVey being financed by the Saudi’s? or Bush II & the CIA flying all the Saudi’s out of the US directly after 9/11? or Obama & Holder running guns to the Mexico Cartels in ‘Fast & Furious’ to create a crisis to initiate a police-state? or the DemonRats creating the ‘Insurrection’? or raiding a previous President’s property for the same type of information that the previous vice-president knowingly, illegally had sitting in his garage?

    …. confusing, ain’t it?


    No! None of those events you mentioned really changed Americans day to day. This one will. People are going to go from watching The Price Is Right one night to fighting for their lives the next. I shit you not. I’m good. Are you?

  9. I agree with Formwiz to some extent. Herridge’s leaving Fox for CBS put a big hole in their reporting. Griffin, however, is a different case. She leans left, thanks to her liberal hubby from what I’ve read.

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