Catholic Church facilitates foreign invasion – IOTW Report

Catholic Church facilitates foreign invasion

fire line

RenewAmerica: In the face of President Obama’s veto threat, members of Congress may not be able to pass legislation suspending or upgrading the program permitting refugees from Syria, the Middle East and North Africa to settle in the U.S. But the Republican Congress certainly has the power to hold hearings into the millions of taxpayer dollars being funneled through Catholic and other church groups to bring them here. Many Catholics and non-Catholics alike would like to know how “religious compassion,” using federal money, is increasing the potential terrorist threat to America.
You may recall that Pope Francis promoted the Obama administration’s pro-immigration policies during his visit to the U.S. Left unsaid was the fact that the American branch of the Roman Catholic Church is getting millions of taxpayer dollars to settle refugees. According to their financial statement for 2014, the latest year for which figures are available, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops received over $79 million in government grants to provide benefits to refugees.

Simply stated, Congress can expose how the money is being spent and cut it off.

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7 Comments on Catholic Church facilitates foreign invasion

  1. All of these “churches” have sold their souls for 30 pieces of silver from the federal government who stole it from taxpayers first. I guess when the churches made themselves irrelevant to many actual, astute Christians by departing from Biblical teachings and morality, they decided to make up for the loss in funds by making a deal with the devil.

    Where are all the progressives yelling about separation of church and state now that the federal government is actually funneling hundreds of millions of dollars to “Christian” religious organizations? When the churches willingly desert their principles in order to accomplish the “progressive” goal of open borders, the leftists are all too happy to accept the intertwining of church and state.

    And it’s been going on for years:

  2. For the first 1300 years or so, the common people had to depend on clergy to “interpret” the meaning of the Bible (it was only available in Latin for the most part and only churches had copies before the printing press was invented) before John Wycliffe did the first translation of the Bible into English in the late 1300’s. The Catholic Church hierarchy was so incensed by Wycliffe’s translation work that they had his works burned and even had his body exhumed and burned (scattering the ashes in a river).

    Here’s a list of people that tried to leave the Catholic Church (early Protestants mostly) that were burned at the stake for it by Mary Queen of Scots in the 1500’s. Bloody Mary sought to have the creators of the Geneva Bible (replaced Wycliffe’s work and immediately preceded the 1611 KJV) captured and killed as well. Sounds a lot like the punishment for apostasy under islam.

  3. $79 million in government grants

    That’s nothing compared to the taxpayers’ funds that Catholic Charities get. Some individual branches probably receive that much form that taxpayers.

    Traditionally, America’s welcome for refugees was based on private sponsor charity and responsibility. The transformation of refugee resettlement from the work of charities to that of profit-making federal contractors has given birth to a global refugee industry and set off wildly escalating expectations among refugees and would-be immigrants around the globe.

    It easily has a price tag 10 times the official estimate of $1.1 billion annually, mainly because of welfare costs, which are left out of all official estimates of program cost.15

    When the contractors cite the time it takes for a refugee to achieve “self-sufficiency” they neglect to mention that under their (and the government’s) definition, an individual refugee can be considered “self-sufficient” and still be in most public assistance programs such as public housing, Medicaid, Food Stamps, WIC, etc. In some cases, even dependence on cash assistance does not prevent one from being “self-sufficient.”16

    A federal government survey found that refugees who arrived in the past five years — there are no government studies of refugees with longer residency — are three to five times more likely than the average native-born American to be receiving the lifetime cash welfare program SSI along with Medicaid.17 They are also four- to five-times more likely to be in public housing and receiving Food Stamps than the average American. In addition federal grants for “Violence against Women,” “Marriage Support,” “Ownership Society,” “Abstinence Education,” and other programs are used disproportionately by refugee organizations.

  4. “Corcoran said she has found reporters reluctant to investigate the federal dollars going to the Catholic Church. “When talking with a reporter recently I was told by the reporter that he would never even have dreamed to look into where the U.S. Bishops were getting their millions of dollars for their ‘migration fund,’ presuming it was from the personal charitable donations of good and generous Catholics in hundreds of parishes across the country,” she said. “I suspect all those good Catholics never think to ask the question either – where are the millions coming from?”

    “Why aren’t more reporters exposing the U.S. Bishops deep pockets?” she asks. “And, why are our ‘leaders,’ even our budget hawks, in Washington not speaking up?” ”

    …This is because they know what is going on! They refuse to expose what those organizations are doing. What happened to the Church is that the liberated Catholics took over and are using the Church for their own evil purposes. Don’t believe me? Then go and examine the people who run Catholic Charities and other lay organizations. Just see how many of them actually keep the Sacraments of the Church. The answer is none of them do. They are all Liberated Catholics! They all have abortions and use contraception! They all want free stuff and someone else to take care of them and face their responsibility! This is what is destroying the Church!

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