Cathy McMorris Rodgers to lead Interior Department – IOTW Report

Cathy McMorris Rodgers to lead Interior Department

From a left-wing politician rating site:

On the issues, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers [R-Wash] has been quite extreme with her support for the far right of the Republican Party.

From a right-wing politician rating site:

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers
In short, Rodgers is far right-wing according to the left, and not nearly right-wing enough for conservatives.

FreedomWorks has her at 71%

On the Issues

Gun Control

  • National cross-state standard for concealed carry. (Jan 2009)
  • Teach kids Eddie Eagle GunSafe’s lifesaving message. (May 2010)
  • Loosen restrictions on interstate gun purchases. (Oct 2011)
  • Ban gun registration & trigger lock law in Washington DC. (Mar 2007)


  • Voted YES on banning federal health coverage that includes abortion. (May 2011)
  • Voted NO on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines. (Jan 2007)
  • Prohibit transporting minors across state lines for abortion. (Jan 2008)
  • Bar funding for abortion under federal Obamacare plans. (Jul 2010)
  • Prohibit federal funding to groups like Planned Parenthood. (Jan 2011)
  • No family planning assistance that includes abortion. (Jan 2013)
  • Grant the pre-born equal protection under 14th Amendment. (Jan 2007)


  • Voted YES on prioritizing spending in case debt limit is reached. (May 2013)
  • Voted YES on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending. (Jul 2009)
  • Voted NO on modifying bankruptcy rules to avoid mortgage foreclosures. (Mar 2009)
  • Voted NO on additional $825 billion for economic recovery package. (Jan 2009)
  • Voted NO on monitoring TARP funds to ensure more mortgage relief. (Jan 2009)
  • Voted NO on $15B bailout for GM and Chrysler. (Dec 2008)
  • Voted NO on $60B stimulus package for jobs, infrastructure, & energy. (Sep 2008)
  • Voted NO on defining “energy emergency” on federal gas prices. (Jun 2008)
  • Voted NO on revitalizing severely distressed public housing. (Jan 2008)
  • Voted NO on regulating the subprime mortgage industry. (Nov 2007)
  • Balanced Budget Amendment with 3/5 vote to override. (Jan 2009)
  • Demand a Balanced Budget amendment. (Jul 2010)
  • Limit federal spending growth to per-capita inflation rate. (Jul 2010)


  • Grow the middle class, not the government. (Jan 2014)
  • Support Class Action Lawsuit Reform. (Nov 2004)
  • Voted NO on Senate pay raise. (Jun 2009)
  • Voted NO on granting Washington DC an Electoral vote & vote in Congress. (Apr 2007)
  • Voted YES on protecting whistleblowers from employer recrimination. (Mar 2007)
  • Voted YES on requiring photo ID for voting in federal elections. (Sep 2006)
  • Identify constitutionality in every new congressional bill. (Jul 2010)
  • Audit federal agencies, to reform or eliminate them. (Jul 2010)
  • Moratorium on all earmarks until budget is balanced. (Jul 2010)

more issues HERE


11 Comments on Cathy McMorris Rodgers to lead Interior Department

  1. Oh well, shit. according to the list I’m seeing above she’s doing ok.
    But at 71%? Yeah, she’s a monstah! Burn her! We need someone more like 31%. A true republican RINO. LOL.

    She’s doing better than J-Linds, McCain and Flake.

  2. Her rating is low compared to what I’m reading about her on the issues.
    Maybe there is a rogue misstep here and there that I’m not seeing.
    But for the most part she’s not at all like what I was told Trump was going to be doing with his cabinet.
    According to some slobbish, dimwit editors, Trump was supposed to appoint liberals to prominent posts, keeping in stride with his “liberal, New York values, progressive bona fides.”
    This Rodgers lady is WFB compared to what I was told to brace myself for.

  3. She seems OK, considering the world we live in. She takes a “let’s have less of this” stance on issues that I’d prefer to eliminate entirely, but I know my preference ain’t gonna happen. So, again, she seems way better than average, and I’m with BFH in not understanding those rating given her record.

  4. The Dept of the Interior includes. . .
    Bureau of Indian Affairs
    Bureau of Indian Education
    Bureau of Land Management
    Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
    Bureau of Reclamation
    Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
    National Park Service
    Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation & Enforcement
    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
    U.S. Geological Survey

    I didnt realize it encompassed so many “bureaus”. Loads of places to start cutting.

  5. Hey, if it upsets the Libs then she must be doing something right. I especially like the fact that she supports a cross state standard for concealed carry. If I qualify for a driver’s license in my state and can drive legally in the other 49 states (or is it 56?), then I should be allowed to legally carry a fire arm in the other states if I am licensed in mine.
    But then according to the Second Amendment, I shouldn’t have to ask anyone’s permission to carry a firearm to protect myself.

  6. She is my Congresswoman for the 5th district here in Eastern Washington. My daughter also worked for her for a year and a half or so as a paid staff member before going to graduate school. I personally like her but she’s also been a congress critter for 12 years now and just won reelection for a sixth term in November. And I believe it’s time for her to move on, we need new blood here as our representative in Congress, I believe she’ll make a very good Sec. of the Interior. But as I write the cruds are already coming out of the woodworks trying to replace her, our City Council President Ben Stuckart, a left wing loon with an enormous ego wants her seat. God forbid the guys an ecoweenie par extraordainaire, I don’t think he has much of a chance. And I heard that our local Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich wants to run as well. I hope that there are better choices because neither guy are people I like a whole lot. We shall see and hopefully we’ll get a good congress critter to replace Kathy McMorris Rogers.

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