CBS Admits Releasing Oil from Strategic Reserve Is to “Help Democrats” – IOTW Report

CBS Admits Releasing Oil from Strategic Reserve Is to “Help Democrats”


On Tuesday’s edition of CBS’ “Red & Blue,” CBS News Senior White House and Political Correspondent Ed O’Keefe stated that President Joe Biden’s reported plans to release more oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve later this week is an attempt to show that Biden’s trying to do what he can to lower prices, and is “designed to do what he can” “to help Democrats across the country, even if he can’t campaign alongside them because he’s too unpopular to do so.” More

10 Comments on CBS Admits Releasing Oil from Strategic Reserve Is to “Help Democrats”

  1. Amy must be another lying lefty. Facts don’t matter to them. They make up their own reality no matter what facts prove otherwise to show they are wrong.

    Please cite your proof of your statement if you think I’m the one lying, Amy.

    Trump put oil in when he was the best president you ever had and probably will ever have.

  2. When the price of fuel drops a few cents, Joe blows his horn, reminding all of us commoners of his superior intellect. When the price of fuel rises, Joe has no control over it. I keep reading about the approaching “red wave”. I pray it is true. But, not to be a killjoy, what will happen after this? Republicans tend to be a circular firing squad. So, we take the House. Fine. Problem being, 2 years is a short time. If the Republicans revert to type, the Democrats just pick up where they left off, Biden or not. Same with the Senate. 6 years of business as usual. Republicans had better grow a backbone & stop this “reach across the aisle” bullshit. They should know by now(they don’t) that Democrats will not now, nor have ever, played by the rules. Whichever election can be stolen, will be stolen. Back in 2010, all of the talking heads were harping about how the Democrat party was going to be in the “wilderness” for the next 50 years due to Obama’s policies & the Republican gains. Well, here is 2022 & look what we have. A House, Senate & White House controlled by Democrats. People have short memories, and after Obama, one might wonder how a Democrat could even be elected for dog catcher. Yet, here we are with an utter imbecile in the White House, inflation out of control, energy blackouts for New England this winter, China basically taking everything not nailed down, drag queens grooming our children, parents being targeted by the FBI & DOJ for being domestic terrorists because they speak out against school boards, violent crime nationwide…..sigh. I could write a book about how Democrats bring nothing but pain & misery, but again, people have short memories. We’ll see what washes out in a few weeks.


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