To be fair, the “reporter” didn’t say precisely what the lawyer claims she said, but her implication was clear.
The lawyer said house managers doctored evidence, and she said she wanted to make it clear to their viewers what the doctoring was, and said they put a “check mark on a tweet” and “changed a year.”
She obviously wanted to let the viewers know that doctored evidence wasn’t “lots of doctored evidence” but “just two things.”
The lawyer correctly dresses her down and says that it wouldn’t matter if it was ONE THING.
She denied she was trying to minimize, but it’s exactly what she was trying to do.
I highly doubt, if this was an Obama impeachment trial and an Obama lawyer said the GOP doctored evidence, she would have the same attitude.
or below. (I’d rather you click the link.
HT/ stirrin’ the pot
He set the NEW standard in ULTIMATE mini MIC DROP…or more like throw down.
Congress + doctored evidence/testimony + the media cover = FUBAR.
Look at all the contortion faces she made…
She’s kind of cute, but when you really look she has lib written all over her.
He might be getting his fill of Libtard Bull Shit. He’s got his family in hiding and his home has been vandalized.
@Brad – Not only THAT? His business is now being threatened as a loy-ya, because he represented Trump.
The CBSN chick saying, “To be fair…”, in describing the doctoring of evidence, was a qualifier intended to minimize the significance of what the house managers did. VanDerVeer unfortunately neglected to specifically point that out. Instead he focused on what the dems said, and not her giving it short shrift – thus giving it the media bias spin. It made a huge difference in his point. But, he still shredded her, none-the-less.
THAT is why President Trump changed legal teams for this fake impeachment.
MVDV is my new spirit animal!
Loved the pushback, loved the “not gonna concede to your point” attitude, loved the utter disgust he showed when dropping the mic!
We should all emulate him.
‘He might be getting his fill of Libtard Bull Shit. He’s got his family in hiding and his home has been vandalized.”
But Conservatives are the domestic terrorists
At least she had the balls to let him talk freely and uninterrupted. Not sure many others would do the same
I’m surprised they didn’t cut his mic.
He did great.
All of these leftist talking heads are absolutely slappable.
You won’t find any of the Republican establishment who understand what happened here.
The democrats use questionable thugs to do their dirty work then hide claiming they know nothing. BS that’s why officials tell police to stand down, democrats just use others and look the other way.
She deserved this and more.
@JDHasty – “…You won’t find any of the Republican establishment who understand what happened here…”
Damn straight! It’s not in their playbook. Hell, it’s not even in their DNA.
LMAO, you forgot to change identities.
Another swamp creature EXPOSED.
I’m thinking you threaten a mans family,or a woman’s for that matter, you’ve just taken things to a whole new level. I know how I’d react.
You wouldn’t happen to be 1911Gunlady in a former life would you?
That was just about the best ass getting handed to someone I think I’ve ever seen
Philly personal-injury lawyers are street-fighters.
Trust me, don’t fcuk with ’em.
When you’re in trouble and need a lawyer, you don’t want cologne and cuff links… you want a junkyard dog.
That’s why America needed Donald Trump in the White House.
Sylvia, hell Philadelphia garbage men are street fighters. A person is best off not having a conflict with someone from Philadelphia.
Street Fighter. You know through my corrupt childhood I knew a lot of street fighters. Got their asses kicked every day. At one point in my life I guess I would have been considered street fighter. Winning is important. I’m so addicted to winning I’ll cheat to get there.
Brad –
“…Winning is important. I’m so addicted to winning I’ll cheat to get there…”
Really Brad? You’d cheat to win?
I was all ready to unload on you, but I’m going to make the assumption that your comment was hyperbole or sarcasm, and that you really wouldn’t cheat to win. I hope that is correct.
I’m not speaking for Brad, but if I’m in a meaningful contest against a known cheater I’ll cheat to win. Losing is for losers, it shouldn’t be considered honorable to graciously lose to a cheater.
stirrin the pot
It wasn’t. Go ahead and unload. Let’s see how that works out. All things considered.
Important not to lose the biggest point he made. In America, it USED TO BE unacceptable to tell even a little fib in a legal proceeding.
So here are CONGRESSMEN, managing an Impeachment of a President (after they had another one for practice) and presenting false evidence and preening for the camera for a week, and it doesn’t bother their conscience in the least to be dishonest and to befoul their “Sacred Temple of Democracy” !!
Off with their fucking heads of all these self-serving traitors. Put McConnell near the front of the line.