CBS Buries Pelosi Against Impeachment, NBC Frets Divided Dems – IOTW Report

CBS Buries Pelosi Against Impeachment, NBC Frets Divided Dems


Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA) made headlines Monday afternoon when she told The Washington Post that she was against impeaching President Trump unless it was absolutely necessary. For the evening broadcasts of ABC News and NBC News, it was the second topic they covered after yet another deadly crash of a Boeing 737 MAX 8. But CBS News buried it deep in the last few minutes of the broadcast and only gave it a fleeting 17 seconds.

Meanwhile, Spanish-language networks Telemundo and Univision ignored Pelosi’s comments altogether.

For CBS Evening News, anchor Jeff Glor delivered the meager news brief. “In a new interview, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she is against impeaching President Trump, saying the process is, quote, ‘So divisive to the country,’” he reported. “Pelosi tells The Washington Post: ‘He is just not worth it.’ Though she does believe the President, she says, is unfit to hold the office.

In contrast, CBS dedicated two minutes and five seconds to hyping Vice President Joe Biden possibly joining the Democratic Party’s large 2020 field, and the Democratic National Committee selecting Milwaukee, Wisconsin to have their convention.

On NBC Nightly News, they framed Pelosi’s stance as something that could cause strife within the Democratic caucus in the House.

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9 Comments on CBS Buries Pelosi Against Impeachment, NBC Frets Divided Dems

  1. The Marxist Press, leaders of the Democrat Party, are letting their rank and file know that they are unhappy with one of their official spokesmen Nancy Piglosi!

  2. Now treading lightly because as the witch hunt starts unearthing all the D bad actors, the shoe may soon be on the other foot, huh? And there is actually evidence of crimes.

  3. “Meanwhile, Spanish-language networks Telemundo and Univision ignored Pelosi’s comments altogether.”

    This isn’t really related to the Pelosi/impeachment thing, but that statement got me thinking.

    How many American citizens are Spanish only speakers? It would seem these stations cater to the non English speakers who are mostly not citizens that can’t vote anyway so it wouldn’t make any difference to them, but maybe there are more Spanish only speaking American citizens than I realize that would be interested.

    Anyone know?

  4. Bingo, Jimmy. Pelosi, although brain addled, is still cogent enough to realize that impeaching President Trump will solidify his base, and garner sympathy from the fence-sitters, and thus virtually guarantee his re-election.


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