CBS caught manipulating visuals in order to make Biden seem more popular – IOTW Report

CBS caught manipulating visuals in order to make Biden seem more popular

There was a story about CBS News taking a photo from a Trump event frequented by Latinos and running it as if it were a Biden rally.

CBS took offense to being called out on their own misleading visual –

Norah O’Donnell @NorahODonnell·Replying to @LD25_GOP@DonaldJTrumpJrand 3 othersPlease listen to the piece. In fact, we reported that President Trump HAS CUT INTO BIDEN’S ADVANTAGE BY WOOING *CONSERVATIVE* LATINOS.

But that is not at all the impression they give to the casual observer glancing at the screen.

Then someone chimed in with the reason why CBS couldn’t use a Biden rally ->

And here is the salient point—>

This is very true and is a good point, and it kind of bears out what we already know —> the enthusiasm for the lefties never matches the massive turnout at the polls.

One good explanation for that is that they cheat.

24 Comments on CBS caught manipulating visuals in order to make Biden seem more popular

  1. Hopefully Trump supporters don’t stay home thinking the election is a guaranteed win.
    That happened here in Maine with the Governor’s race and the Dimms ended up winning.
    Always think like you’re ten points behind and need to hustle.

  2. how is it possible for these events to not be reported truthfully? How can ALL these news services be on the same page and deceive people at such magnitude as this? And how can his supporters not be there? We know they exist, i’ve seen them in the wild. Where are they?

  3. Stop worrying about things. Robert Woodward is on it. This is a scandal, and he covers Republican Scandals better than anyone except Carl Bernstein. If the two of them ever team up again, watch out! In the meantime, make plans to be watching Nora O’Donnell for more hard hitting reports on the huge crowds that Dementia Joe Obiden and his replacement, Kalamity Harris, are pulling in despite the Trump caused Coronavirus.

  4. It is understandable the MSM (all divisions) are struggling to catch up with the and are still pursuing their ancient models of corrupting the truth; the problem being, their lies are being instantly exposed. So the only reason I can see as to why they continue treading the same rodent wheel is because they are rats. Rats in a cage of their own deceit. Here comes the d-Con. hehehe

  5. I’m o.k. with CBS manipulating polls and stories in order to exaggerate any enthusiasm for Biden. I can safely say that I have yet to meet anyone who is really excited about a Biden candidacy or thinks Slow Joe would be anything other than a subpar President. But I don’t want to see Trump supporters complacent; I want them to believe Trump is 10 points down in the polls and that Kamala Harris will be a safety net for when Joe has to step down.

    Trust in the MSM has been eroding for at least 12 years now. No one really believes that the alphabet networks and the cable news channels are reporting accurate news, or that they are anything other than hacks for the Democrat party. But as it pertains to Trump supporters, why take the chance? Let’s just assume that Trump is way down, and do what it takes to get him re-elected.

  6. Not the first time for them-
    “It was an editing mistake,” a CBS News spokesperson told Fox News. “We took immediate steps to remove it from all platforms and shows.”

    They’re the very definition of fake news. Very fake, concocted news. The FCC should discipline them for what appears to be their standard operating procedures.
    And if anyone saw it on TV, they paid to do so.
    They know what they are doing.
    It is called intent.
    Intent to deceive.

  7. CBS, and every other news outlet that prepares and presents such misleading material as factual truth, should be banned, ala ‘twitter’ and fakebook, from cable and satellite providers.
    That should be mandatory, not optional.
    It is deliberate propaganda.
    Isn’t that the acceptable way of doing things?
    I call the ‘goose and gander’ rule.
    Oh, yeah, I forgot- pelosi’s blow job, kamala ‘lips’ harris blow job, and feinstein’s chinese office manager.
    I think I see how this works

  8. Dems cheat, yes, but they normally are very good at, um, “gathering crowds” together. I’ll say it again, there is something seriously wrong with the Biden campaign if they can’t even make sure he APPEARS to have crowds show up. Really. 🤔

  9. I live near NOLA, which is heavily Democrat. Yet so far this year I have seen only *ONE* Biden sticker on a car and even that appeared to be a custom-made one and not a sticker from the Greezy Joe Campaign.

    In contrast, I have seen Trump-related signs, flags and stickers all over the place on cars, boats, lawns.

    This election and every election hereafter we must surround cemeteries at election time and keep the dead from voting Democrat Party.

    Here’s my argument against the mail-in-voting scam : If You Had A Winning Lottery Ticket, Would You Mail It In Or Go In Person Wearing A Coronavirus Mask To The Lottery Office For Your Check?

  10. I live near NOLA, which votes heavily Democrat. Yet so far this year I have seen only *ONE* Biden sticker on a car and even that appeared to be a custom-made one and not an official sticker from the Greezy Joe Campaign.

    In contrast, I have seen Trump-related signs, flags and stickers all over the place on cars, boats, lawns.

    This election and every election hereafter we must surround cemeteries at election time and keep the dead from voting Democrat Party.

    Here’s my argument against the mail-in-voting scam : If You Had A Winning Lottery Ticket, Would You Mail It In Or Go In Person Wearing A Coronavirus Mask To The Lottery Office For Your Check?

  11. Hey BFH have you ever looked into the Consent Decree of 1968?
    In a nut-shell it prevented R’s from contesting elections but the judge who issued and perpetuated it died two years ago. The republican party can now challenge results in court, with all the findings to prove demrat fraud that I’m wondering if this is why the mob is openly calling for revolution.
    They know they can’t cheat anymore.


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