CBS Does Its Best To Dupe Its Viewership With Blatant Corona Disinformation – IOTW Report

CBS Does Its Best To Dupe Its Viewership With Blatant Corona Disinformation


Top government officials slammed CBS News’ “60 Minutes” after co-host Scott Pelley ran a segment on Sunday night that contained false and misleading claims on certain aspects of the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, which originated in Wuhan, China.

The segment begins by falsely suggesting that the United States federal government has “been less than honest” about the coronavirus pandemic just like the Chinese Communist Party. more here

9 Comments on CBS Does Its Best To Dupe Its Viewership With Blatant Corona Disinformation

  1. Instead of getting indignant at this SOP, why not ridicule the bastards. Laying out the facts is all well & good but bet your last donut that over any REgressive’s head that bothers to read them-which reduces your possible change of mind group by 95%-you are not going to see a light bulb going off.

    Jerkwads that watch 60 Minutes gobble the lies up like summer hot dogs on the Boardwalk. All they’re doing is preaching to their choir. A Trump tweet is succinct and devastating-they’ll ignore 15 bullet points but a 2 sentence jab in the throat gets their full attention.

    If you have any doubt about the ability of REgressives to obfuscate the truth, spend a few minutes at Raw Story or CommonDreams-these fuckers are off their rockers, big time.

  2. CBS is really the See B S network. I don’t think I’ve watched any CBS program except for Blue Bloods in the last 20 or more years. And I couldn’t tell you the last time that I willingly watched any CBS news or other networks news except for FOX, it was quite a while sgo.

  3. At some point the courts have to see that deceptive editing of a video clip (or audio for that mater) should be taken as slander or libel (depending on whether money is involved) and as such can be taken to court. It’s the only way this practice will stop.

  4. The only shows worth watch on CBS is “Blue Bloods” and “Seal Team”-my favorite show.
    I’ve stopped watching the Commievirus network news of any alphabet combination.


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